Warmth & Comfort

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"Todd, oh my god Todd!" Neil shouts suddenly jumping up from his bed and stepping over to my bedside with one giant leap. I shoot up from my slouched position against my pillow and nearly throw my book.

"What Neil, what is it!" I shout frantically, my eyes scrambling around trying to locate the source of his panic.

"You're just so," he starts with a laugh, "damn beautiful!" and he pounces on me, pinning me back down to my bed and planting a giant kiss on my forehead.

"Jesus Neil!" I say through uncontrollable laughter, bringing my arms up and grabbing hold of his sides, "I thought there was a spider or something!" He begins to laugh, but I catch him off guard by tickling his sides. He scrambles around, trying to get hold of my arms, but there's only so much room on a twin sized bed for one person, let alone two. In between me trying to get as much ahold of Neil as I can, and Neil trying desperately to push me off of him, but failing miserably through the amount of laughter coming from his stomach and the tears from his eyes, Neil moves just too far to the right, and falls entirely off the bed, dragging me down with him. He hits the floor and I roll over top of him, both of us laughing so hard now that neither of us are making any noise. Just rolling around on the floor in each other's arms, wheezing, tangled up in one big heap. Through the thunderous laughter, neither of us hear the door open, or Charlie enter the room, until he's standing over top of us. Neil and I both stifle our laughs as best as possible, and sit up a little straighter, but make no effort to untangle our legs from each other.

"Are you two on crack or something?" he says, a questionable yet playful look in his eye.

"Yes." Neil says with a straight face, and we can't help but burst into laughter again, leaving Charlie to fend for himself.

"You two are both so weird." he sighs as he turns around to leave.

We look at each other laughing, Neil dropping forward, falling into my lap while he holds his stomach from laughing so hard. I lean my back onto the side of my bed, and rest my hands on Neil's back. As our laughter starts to slow, Neil twists his body so his head is in my lap, his face looking up at mine. I smile, as one does when looking at Neil, it's not something you can really help. He takes one of my hands and holds it in both of his, resting them on his chest as he plays with my fingers.

"What do you think Charlie would say?" he asks, fingers tangled in mine.

"About what?"

"You know, about us. What do you think he'd do if he found out?"

I run my free hand through my hair, contemplating this for a moment. He was Neil's best friend after all, maybe he wouldn't think anything of it. But then again, even families will turn away their own kid.

"I don't know."

"What do you think my father would do?"

Now that was something I did know. I know exactly what Neil's father would do if he knew his son was kissing another boy, and it wouldn't be pretty. But I can't say that. Even if we both know it's true, I can't say that now.

"I don't know Neil."

He looks up at me then, taking his eyes away from our hands. He looks at me with those dark chocolate eyes, and I know he can tell that I'm lying. He's good at that. He pulls him self up to a sitting position, and scooches towards me on the floor. I sit up a little more and cross my legs, my right hand still in Neil's possession. He brings it down in his, and leans on my knee. He turns his head away from me to take a quick glance at the door. Without standing up, Neil shuffles his way over to the door and locks it. I laugh at how ridiculous he looks, but he doesn't pay mind. When he reaches me, he is smiling, goofy and all squinty-eyed like a child. He leans in and softly connects his forehead to mine. His skin is warm, filling my face with a rosy feeling. Our noses touch, and he nuzzles my cheek, before bringing his lips to mine. I bring my free hand up and caress Neil's cheek, sliding it back into his hair as we kiss. His hands leave mine, and reach around my back, pulling me towards him, as close as he can get me. I take my other hand and bring it around Neil's head, the back of his neck fitting into the crook of my elbow. We stay like that for a moment, before the momentum takes over, and I'm slowly falling back, and Neil's slowly falling forward, and we melt into the rug.

His arms are still around me, forearms pinned beneath my back, and my arms are still around his neck, pulling him closer and closer, deeper and deeper into our kiss. I untangle my arms from around his neck, and move them to his back, and he responds by pulling his arms out from under me and bending one elbow to support himself, bending the other elbow to rest his hand on my hip. He runs his hand over my hip bone, sliding it under the arch of my back, pulling me into him.

After what feels like an eternity, we break away from each other, smiling wide sloppy grins.

"I'm really happy, Todd." Neil says with a sparkle in his eye. I reach up to the edge of my bed where a blanket was hanging off of it, and pull it onto the two of us. Neil rolls off and slides onto the floor beside me resting his head on my shoulder.

"Me too, Neil, me too." We don't even bother turning the lamp off, both of us too wrapped up in the warmth and comfort of the other person to really care, and we drift off to sleep.




Hello! I know this chapter took a little while, and it's just oh so gushy, but it made me smile to write it :) Hope you all grin like idiots too while reading it <3

forget-me-not, neilOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora