splintered stanzas: perry vs. (y/n)

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Neil Perry's fast-disappearing figure was just in the doorway, looking like he was headed out for some reflection in the woods outdoors. The entire group was still frozen in their places, Todd's jaw slack with agony. 

(y/n) wasn't sure how Neil would ever apologize and mend things with his lover after his display of apathy, but she sent a silent prayer to the Universe, hoping for their recovery. Another thing she wasn't sure of, was how the world would continue to function in a reality within which they were not young lovers, but rather young enemies. 

Her heart hurt at the very thought of that scenario. 

"Shit." Charlie cussed, running a hand through his hair. "What now?" They all turned towards (y/n), who bit her lip in contemplation. If Mr. Perry's car could only go 15 miles per hour on school grounds, how much time before he reached the gate? The equation ran around in her head, but she didn't stay long enough to solve it. 

"Where are you going?" Cameron exclaimed shrilly. (y/n) scoffed. 

"To verbally knock some sense into a very stupid man." she huffed, turning to run in her heeled boots down the hall and out the front entrance. As she suspected, Mr. Perry was not even quite at his car. 

It had only been a few minutes since his and Neil's conversation, and apparently he'd stopped to lean against the stone façade of the building, gaining his breath. 

"Ah, sir," (y/n) drawled, nearly out of breath as she stepped outside and was assaulted with quite cold air. It felt like a snowstorm was looming on the horizon, among other storms. Poor Mr. Perry, indeed. "fancy meeting you out here!" 

The man looked around quickly, half-expecting a young army of teenage men to attack him. But none came. 

"Can I help you?" he asked, all the earlier fire gone out of his voice. She tapped her finger to her chin, appearing as if she were deep in thought. 

"Hmmm," she drew out the thinking, observing how it agitated him. 

"I really must get going." He nodded at her once, before setting down the steps and towards his vehicle. (y/n) thought it was a very nice automobile, and was sad that he couldn't purchase himself a soul. 

"Oh, right!" she snapped her fingers. "If you want to help me, you'll let your wonderful son live his life, instead of trying to force him into one you never had for yourself!" The older man's face blanched, not expecting such a targeted notion.

"I beg your pardon," he began incredulously "but how I choose to parent my child is none of your concern. Now, off to bed." (y/n) laughed.

"I beg your pardon," she mocked with attitude her mother would be proud of. "but your parenting decisions are killing him. Can't you see that?" His eyes turned stony as he put his hand on the driver's side door. (y/n) ran to stand in front of the vehicle.

"It's what is best, now do please leave me alone, girl." His voice was laced with that venom she'd heard earlier, and the adrenaline kept her from shutting her mouth. 

"You might not see it, but everyone else can!" she threw her hands up, gesturing to the world around him. "You're a murderer. Killing his dreams and aspirations to be his own person? You might be innocent to society, sir, but you are the one holding the gun." 

poeta nascitur, non fit ~ steven meeks x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now