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"And that's the art building. I know nothing about it because I've never been in there but Davyiar does since he's a art major so you can ask him.", Malaysia said pointing to a tall building.

I nodded and we all looked at Davyiar, he had a mug on his face and everybody could just tell he was annoyed. "Fix your face like you wanna help Samai the fuck.", Lay griped pushing him some.

Davyair huffed, "I just want y'all to hurry the fuck up, I ain't wanna spend my whole day walking around this bitch giving tours and shi. I got shit ta do."

"Nigga shut yo ass up, we helping a friend. You ain't got nothing else urgent going on forreal.", Jay said waving Davyair off. He sighed deeply and started mumbling stuff under his breath while Malaysia watched him.

She was good at reading lips and I could tell that's what she was doing, "Davyiar... don't say whatchu said out loud because I will put my hands on you about Samai. She too nice for you to be acting how you act."

Amir looked at her confused, "What he say?" Malaysia started walking again, "Nothing." I looked at Davyiar because I wanted to know what he said about me, "What did you say?"

"I said I don't een know you, you not my friend. Malaysia just wanna drag us around for you and that shit annoying cause I got better shit ta do then this.", he answered shrugging his shoulders. I looked at him in a annoyed way, he's just mean and his attitude and how he acts is weird.

I walked off from the group and started making my way to the last buildings I had classes in. I wasn't mad or anything because everybody doesn't have to be your friend and I could care less if he didn't want to but now I want to kind of distance myself and start focusing on doing things for myself, I wanna make sure I'm not depending on people and I'm able to get around by myself.

I came to focus on my work and try to get involved in more things, not to worry about who wants to be my friend or not and being in a group.


"Yeah, some of the people I've been hanging with gave me a tour. It's a nice campus.", I told my mom as she was on the phone. We were on Facetime and I had the phone propped up, she had called me and I'm glad she did, I missed talking to her about everything.

"That's good Sam, have you went to any parties or went out yet?", she kinda probed. I chuckled some, "Yes mom, I've been trying to find things to do so I'm not in my room all day."

She picked up the phone bringing it closer to her face, "Good, don't start shutting down and bottling everything up. Try to give these friends a chance, they sound good for you... but I have to go Travis is calling me. I love you!"

I smiled and picked up my phone," Okay bye, I love you too." She hung up and I sighed, I'm hungry. The one thing I will say I miss is always having my mom around to make food..

Since the tour I've been in my room all day, organizing and catching up on some work I missed so I'm caught up for my first day of classes. Im kind of nervous about my first day and I don't know why..

Knocks on my door knocked me out of my thoughts, "Yes?"

"It's me... and everybody else, we brought you some food.", I heard Lay kind of cheer on the other side of the door.

"Okay come in."

I was happy they brought me food, I'm actually starving. Lay opened the door and everybody walked in with a wingstop bag in their hand, I smiled.

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