The Beginning

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Hafelia was a basic girl who never wanted much. She considered herself as one of the guys, this was how she was happy. She lived in her little mud hut with her prized possession, her portable hand cream tub that she kept refilling with other creams so that it smelt weird. It was this strange smell that led the tall, dark and handsome Paul to her, his nose filling with the stench and his eyes watering endlessly. His type was an older woman who liked to take risks and didn't care about what others said. "OOOOooooOO that cream smells SexY" But when he saw her face he fell in love immediately. He was in love with her for so long he forgot all about his troublesome past and focused only on his future that had so many possibilities. 

He started following her (like a creep), his heart leading his feet towards his one true love. And when she saw him, she too fell deeply in love (after being initially weirded out) and the two were married the next day. 

Seven kids later, Hafelia started to feel bored. Yes there was lots going on around in her Hut with 8 new "family" members but it was too much. Perhaps this was the reason she started to feel detached. She kept up appearances with Paul, after all where else would money come from? Hand creams were not cheap. 

So she started to look online at dating websites won her HP laptop, closing the sites where Paul had been looking for a ThinkPad one. A handsome guy named Johnny messaged her. His sand-coloured hair and brown eyes were just right for her personality and she fell in love faster than a fairy-tale princess. 

Without an explanation, she kicked out her 7 kids and ex-husband out of her mud hut and decided that she was going to start a new life. She replied to the message and started a new relationship with him, grinning at her good luck. 

Their relationship was going well, plenty of fun, But no kids! Hafelia had had enough of little humans running around and Johnny agreed that mini Hafelias were not good for the world. 

7 weeks into their relationship, Hafelia realised that Johnny had a wife, who knew about this relationship and was coming to get her. Scared, Johnny dumped Hafelia and ran to console his wife, whereas Hafelia was left alone with a broken-heart. She would've gone back to Paul, but who knew where he had disappeared to?

The only way for her to drown her sorrows was to drink alcohol, LOTS of it. 

A bit more vodka.

A few more bottles of wine.

Then she wanted ice - cream, and a stop to get more hand cream wouldn't hurt. Well not her at least. She was pretty sure the child she just ran over felt lots of pain. Oh well, it was a good thing Hafelia had no partner to disappoint when she went to jail. 

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