Captured by Arkhamverse Scarecrow

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Panic races through you as you struggle against the fraying ropes that have you tied to an old wheelchair in the operating room of Arkham Asylum. The room ranks of blood and that sterile smell from doctor's offices that puts you on edge. The door creaks open behind you, it's agonizingly slow. You have this slight hope that it's Batman come to save you but there's no way he would know yet, The Scarecrow had just broken out. You were the guard for his hallway and this is where you ended up after everything going black.
        A bony hand ever so slightly touches your shoulder and drags their finger down your back causing you to shiver visually.
        "Shhh. I haven't even tried to scare you yet." Jonathan says behind you, you can tell it's him because you've heard his raspy voice mutter unsettling nonsense from his cell before.
        You can't respond to him, your mouth is gagged so tight the sides of your lips are bleeding and your throat is dry. Jonathan comes into view as he walks around to view you from the front. His head is tilted eerily and his unblinking eyes are on yours. You look away.
        "Look at me." He says harshly putting his bloody finger under your chin and tilting it up gently.
        You're forced to meet his eyes. You scowl at him to show him you aren't scared even though you're shaking. He puts the syringes on his fingers that hold his fear toxin. You shriek slightly trying to jerk backwards.
        "Shhh. There's no need to be afraid of needles. They only pinch a little and they're always for the better good," He says removing your gag, "Well these needles aren't for medical purposes. Just science. Think of it that way, you're sacrificing your body for science."
        "You're going to kill me?" You cough.
        "Well... yes." He says bending down to your eye level.
        As soon as he's close enough you free your arm enough to grab his sack shirt thing's collar and yank him toward you. He's lighter than you thought and his face goes smashing into yours and his body crumples on top of yours. You both sit there for an awkward second  not moving. You should be scared but all you feel is embarrassment. He tries to get up off you but out of fear you're securely clutching his shirt collar. On realization you release it but not before he jerks against it. You can feel your face heat up.
        "I-im sorry. I'm awkward. I guess. Never thought I'd be awkward when an insane person is try to kill me. But awkward. I'm still just as awkward. Oh geez I'm rambling sorry." You stumble trying to speak but just give up. He's staring at you and you can't place his facial expression.
        "It-it's fine. I um just didn't know what you were doing." he says also awkwardly. You didn't know mass murderers could be socially awkward.
        You smile at him because that's what you usually do when someone's shy, you've just never dealt with a shy supervillain. To your surprise you think you see the corner of his mouth go up a little too.

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