Chapter 8

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Error's POV

I glanced over at Midnight to see that she was still asleep. I smiled softly and sat next to her on the bean bag chair. She slightly woken up a little. "H3y g¡rl. H∅w @r3 y∅ü f33l¡ng?" I asked. She lets out a yawn then whined in pain. I knew she was hurting so i carefully put my hand to her head and did my best to heal her the best i could. After a while, she wasnt whining and she placed her head on my leg. I know if she done this, ill glitch but im trying not to with her. She needs the comfort from all of us. I started to pet her head, telling her that it'll be okay. Im surprised that Ink hasnt came back yet. I mean, he could've stayed but i just dont want him messing with Midnight. Not while she's hurt the way she is. I heard someone come in so i glance up. " w3ll w3ll w3ll. Th¡$ ¡$ g∅ññ@ b3 ¡ñt3r3$t¡ñg" 404 said, grinning. "Ñ0t y0ü" i growled, carefully grabbing Midnight and held her close. "@h, ¡ ©@ñ t3ll y∅ü @r3 ñ∅t h@ppy t∅ $33 m3" 404 said. "G∅ @w@y, 404" i said. "N∅w. H@ñd m3 th3 püp @ñd n∅ ∅ñ3 g3t$ hürt" 404 said, trying to grab Midnight. " Ñ∅!! L3@V3 H3R @L∅Ñ3!!" I yelled, snatching Midnight up in my hold. I could tell she was in pain from that so i healed her completely and placed her down. "@tt@©k M¡dñ¡ght!!" I shouted and She looks at 404 then backed off, whining. Crap, she's still scared to fight right now. "H3h, th3 püp ¡$ 3v3n $©@r3d to f¡ght" 404 laughed. "$h3 $t b3 w3@k!" He added, laughing. I noticed that Midnight was crying silently. Thats not good buuuuut, that will bring Boss here so im assuming thats a good thing. A few seconds later, Boss teleported. " i felt a large amount of negativity coming from Midnight. Is she okay?" Boss asked. "404 ©@ll3d h3r w3@k" i explained. Boss picked up Midnight in his arms and grabbed 404 by the throat and body slammed him to the ground. " do NOT call my sweet baby girl weak!" Boss yelled. "¡t'$ trü3" 404 said, grinned weakly. Boss teleported away.

Midnight's POV

Nightmare teleported me to his room with him. He sat me on the bed and laid laid. I crawled onto his chest, looking at him. "Heh, you're such a good girl, ya know that?" He asked as i barked, happily. He chuckled and petted my head. "Who you wanna stay with for the day?" He asked. I rubbed my head against his hand, wanting to stay with him for the day. "Then its settled. You're staying with me, sweet girl" he said, smiling. I was happy. I get to stay with Nightmare. Nightmare reached over to his night stand and grabbed me a treat and held it in front of my snout. I sniffed it then ate it. "Good girl" he said, petting my head. I yawn and Nightmare placed me beside him and i rested my head on his arm and fell to sleep.

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