Chapter 22

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      As Maya walked away from the scene, she fumed, her blood boiling. She immediately decided she didn't like that woman. At all. She reminded her of her half-sister, Princess Agatha. The same haughtiness surrounds them. She had originally wanted to hit her for the words she spoke but decided against it, choosing to walk away instead. She's not worth her anger.

     " Who is that anyway?" Maya asked suddenly, stopping in her tracks. She realised  she didn't even know her name. That was expected since they never introduced themselves. She turned to her maids. They glanced at each other, wondering if they should say what they know.

       Olivia was the first to speak up. " That is Princess Fleurie, Your Majesty."  She replied, her voice low.

       " Princess?" Maya repeated, a brow arched. Olivia nodded, her curls bouncing.

       " Yes, your majesty. She was originally betrothed to Prince Darian, before he was killed. They were engaged to be married."
       " Well, almost." Claire quickly corrected. " They never married." She sighed afterwards. " As a result, everyone expected her to get married to King Dexter."

       " Why?"

     " The customs and laws of the land allows it. " Claire began, a look of displeasure crossing her face.  "And it doesn't help that her father holds considerable power in the Royal council. He had been insisting on the king to get married to his daughter for a while now. The king refused it so many times."

     " Why would he insist on such a union?" Maya couldn't help but ask.

       " Her father,  King Gavin, recently rose to the position he is due to his support to the crown prince before his death. He's doing everything he can to solidify his position. That's why it's coming as a surprise that the king is married now."

      Maya's rage grew, remembering the incident at the court. The man had blatantly shown his displeasure and refusal to accept their union.

        " That's why she thinks she can talk to me that way?" Maya asked, her voice calm but with a deadly undercurrent.

         Claire nodded hesitantly. "The king has tried to force her to leave so many times, saying he's not interested in any marriage with her. She keeps coming up with excuses to stay back much longer." Claire explained. " We hope she does this time however."

       Maya pressed her lips together to keep the anger from reflecting on her face. Every explanation they gave only revealed how tricky and annoying the situation was. And knowing Dexter, he isn't the type to use force unless it absolutely demands it.

       She had wanted to go the garden but now that her mood is ruined, she just told them to take her to her chambers instead. They complied, leading the way. They walked her to her chambers before asking if she would like anything else. She declined all of their suggestions.

        However she couldn't decline their offer to bring her lunch since it was already afternoon. Her lunch was brought in but due to her worried state, she had trouble stomaching down her food. She threw everything up minutes later into the toilet. Being alone in her chambers wasn't helping at all.

         As Maya stayed in her chambers, she couldn't help but worry about the things she had learnt today. There's a lot of people who aren't happy about their union and they are not trying to hide it. Problem is,  she isn't even sure she can do well. She might have been a princess, but she's never been in a position of power before. Her family had treated her less than dirt. Everything she knows now, she had to learn by herself and they aren't particularly helpful things.

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