Let's Go Home

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"So Miss Blackwood do you know where you are?" I resist the urge to scoff "I'm in a hospital" He writes on the paper attached to the clipboard "Do you know what day it is".

'Of course I know what day it is'.

"It's Tuesday the eighth of September" He blinks "It's Friday the eleventh" I choke on my saliva "I've been in here for three days?" Nodding writes something on the paper "Do you know how you got here?" I wince as I remember the hit.

"Because I got hit by a car" He hums "I'm sorry to say it was a hit and run, the police are still looking" I tap my thigh "How much longer do I have to be here" Clicking his pen he says "You can actually be released today I'll let your parents know" He walks out of the room.

A minute later he comes in "They're on their way, I'll get you some painkillers and a drink" When he comes back he passes me a cup of water and a straw I take the painkillers and down the water.

I am so dehydrated "I will have a nurse bring a jug but you need to sip at it" I go to nod but I'm stopped by the brace "Can this come off today?".

"I'll tell the nurse to take it off, your parents should be here in about five minutes so if you need anything just press the buzzer" He leaves the room.

I look at my leg and arm, I don't think they'll be off any time sooner. A nurse comes in with the jug and gently takes off my brace, it wasn't too bad thank god.

Exactly as he said five minutes later my parents come in along with Jake, he runs to hug me but quickly stops himself "As much as I would love to have a hug please don't" We both laugh and I hear faint chuckles from our parents.

They slowly walk towards me and mother holds my hand which makes me frown in confusion "I-I'm so glad that you are ok" She kisses the top of my head she has tears in her eyes, so does father.

Father sniffles "It was just so scary, seeing you on the ground covered in blood, we-we" Mother finishes for him "We thought you were dead" I wave my free hand "Well I'm alive and well, apart from my physical state" I look around the room trying to spot a clock.

The curtains are black out so I don't know wether it's night or day "What time is it?" Jake pulls out his phone "It's quarter to eight at night" I gently nod being careful of my neck even though the brace is off.

Doctor Jones comes in "Hello Mr Blackwood, Miss Nowak" They greet him back, he walks upto me "Ok Miss Blackwood can you slowly turn your head to your right?" I do as he says but stop, I can't turn my head full to the side "I can only stop there".

"Ok do the same but to the left" It's the same with my right which I tell him "Slowly lift your head up to the ceiling" Lifting my head up it feels a bit stiff "I can't fully look up but I'm close, the back feels a bit stiff" He hums.

"Lower your head down to your chest" It's ok but again still feels a bit stiff at the back "It's well but still feels a bit stiff at the back" Writing down on the clipboard he says "Ok, well all you can do is be careful with it and maybe place some Deep Heat or Tiger Balm on the back and the right side of your neck".

Looking at my parents I ask "When you take me back to my place can we pop to the shop so I can get some Deep Heat?" They look at each other.

Mother gently squeezes my hand "We were wondering if you'd like to come back home so you're not by yourself" She looks at Doctor Jones "When can the casts come off?" He checks the paper on the board "Two weeks, I'll get you some crutches" Leaving the room my parents look at each other.

"Oh sweet a man popped by the house last night asking about you, is he your boyfriend?" She slightly wiggles her eyebrows trying to be playful.

'Oh shit'.

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