Your excuse to Kill.

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I charge for Haroc. I'm no twelve-year-old, I'm no child. I'm an adult, I've been trained in combat since the day I could walk. Haroc stands his ground, a muscle in his cheek twitches. I can do this, I'm strong.

The sun's rays break through the clouds, they shine through frost covered leaves. Warmth falls onto my cheeks and the side of Haroc's hand slams against my neck. I fall again, my back hits the ground and pain ruptures along my spine.

Haroc stands over me and I urge my body to move, but my toes will not wriggle, and my fingers will not twitch.

"I never taught you that move." Haroc smiles as he crouches by me. "I like to keep some things just for myself. The paralysis is only temporary, but for you it will last for the rest of your life."

What choice did I have? To fall under Haroc's might. Everyone falls under Haroc.

Haroc grabs me by the ankle and drags me through the snow. Pain takes me over; it infiltrates my every sense. Is this how Ramet felt when she was tortured? Is this how Fendan felt every time Haroc beat him?

Shards of light slip through frosty gaps in the canopy. Ice sparkles and birds preen under the watchful eye of the Universe. Even here, she watches. But she is as helpless as I. The snow wets my hair, it sprinkles over my face as Haroc continues to drag me.

I'm pulled on the ice lake and I feel the sun's force. Her rays hit my cheeks, they hit the frozen lake and a slippery film of water covers the surface.

Haroc releases my ankle, and squats by me. "I want the Universe to see you clearly, I will not hide in shadow." His face is kind, his hands gentle as he removes my protective suit.

"No," I gasp as the cold touches my skin, as it pushes through my thin jumpsuit. "No ..." I want to be brave, I want to go with dignity, but I'm scared. I lost, but it's not just me who loses, the entire universe does. "No," I sob, without tears.

"Shhhh," Haroc whispers, and his hand strokes my cheek once more. "Your passing will be quick, gentle. And you shall be reborn, we shall be reunited one day, and you shall understand your error."

The cold from the ice sinks into my flesh, it slows my racing heart. It slows my rapid breaths. I want to fight the chill. I want to fight the paralysis. I want to fight, but movement still defies me.

"Cantral," that same voice called my name as a child, "the Universe watches you." He points to the sun, a hazy yellow dot in a white sky. "The cold shall return you to your mother. My Cantral."

"Don't make them suffer." My jaws ache with every word. "Ramet, Fendan, Oneera, please ... for me. Just let it be quick."

"Cantral," he whispers in my ear, "my kindness you felt, you feel it now, but you must face punishment for your actions. They will suffer greatly."

"Stop!" Zafira's voice trembles, but she runs to us. "You have to stop!" Her voice heavy with the urgency of someone you must listen too.

Haroc looks up, a smile forms, condescending, arrogant. "Come here, child."

"Zafira, no!" I gasp, but the cold steals my voice.

"If you kill her," Zafira says, she ignores me and steps closer to Haroc, "you'll never recover, a pain will encompass you. You love her so deeply, you wanted so much for her ... you never told her who she was, you were scared. You've been scared all your life. A fear born from the Entara when you were nothing."

Haroc takes his eyes from me and looks to Zafira. His mouth opens, he frowns, as if for the first time in his life he's hearing the truth. He's listening. Zafira edges closer, in pink and blue and stares at this giant, knelt beside me.

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