Chapter 8

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Be a good person, but don't waste time to prove it

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Be a good person, but don't waste time to prove it.

Apparently the changes I made to the show didn't do anything for Jackson's shoulder. I heard that Greenberg accidentally pushed Scott and that made him even more frustrated. So Jackson still got injured. 

Poor him, he was being so nice.

I was drawing in the library while waiting for Jackson to finish practice when I got a message from him that he needed to go to the hospital. Danny is going to drive him because he obviously can't drive himself with his shoulder. 

I texted back that they could go without me because I didn't want to hold them up. I'll take the bus again. I hope he wasn't hurt worse than he was on the show.

When I finally arrived at the hospital I saw Danny sitting in the waiting room. 

"Hey, is Jack okay? Is it bad? Have you heard anything yet? Did anyone else get hurt? Are you okay?" I ask him as I sit next to him. 

He looks up at me in surprise. Was Lydia friends with Danny? Because otherwise this is may be a little odd. 

"Yeah, he's okay. Don't worry. I think he'll be back in like 30 minutes or so." he tells me while giving me a smile. 

"Okay, thank you." I say quietly. 

I keep staring ahead for a bit. I wonder if he's going to play tomorrow's game. I mean, he was in quite a bit of pain during the game on the show. 

"I'm not sure if he can play tomorrow though." he says as he glances at me for a moment. 

"I know. He shouldn't play when he's in pain. I mean, he shouldn't make it worse." I say while looking forward.

I see him looking at me a little confused. 

"We might lose without Jackson." he says, looking closely at me for my reaction. 

Does he really think I'm going to get mad if they lose? I don't care if they lose. I mean, I know they're gonna win if Scott plays but I don't really care if they lose. 

"You don't believe in yourself? I mean, you're a great player too. It's a team sport for a reason, you know." I say looking up at him. 

He looks at me shocked, eyes wide. Why does everyone keep looking at me like that. It's just a little compliment. 

"Yeah? Well, I'm going to do my best to win then." he laughs. "Thanks Lydia." he smiles at me.

After about 20 minutes we saw Jackson walking towards us with a sling around his shoulder. I quickly got up and walked over to him. 

"Are you okay? How bad is it? What did the doctor say?" I rush out to him. 

Jackson laughs at me, "Calm down, Lydia." 

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