58 : Wrecked World

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" But

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" But....but.....
I don't love you, Ana "
He whispered

My breath stuck.
The smile adorning my lips started wobbling.

" Wh- what.....what? "
I stuttered

He exhaled in a rush and started fidgeting
" I .....
Ana....I just- just...."

He froze and took a deep breath. Then he turned to look deep into my eyes.
He looked unsettled and hyper.

" Ana.
I do. I do love you. I love you a lot.
But not in the way you think. "

He started hyperventilating and his movements became more fidgety
" Baby....
This- this is a misunderstanding.

I love you like a best friend, Ana. "

My hold on his hands slackened and they fell beside me, numb.

The serene feeling that was surrounding me a few seconds ago, vanished.

My breath started coming out in pants
" What do- do you mean Ha-Haans? "

" Ana...."
He held me by my shoulders
" Listen to me..
I love you very much.....very very much.
But Ana, it's not what you think it is. "

He was panting and his forehead was covered in beads of sweat.

No, he's wrong.

I started chuckling in between my panting breaths
" Haans...
No. No.
You are mistaken "

I held his hand on my shoulder with a wobbly smile on my lips.
" I ......I know you Haans.
I know you better than I know anything. Better than I know myself.

There's - there's no way that I - I misunderstood anything.
I - I know it. "

He shook his head in a haste
" Ana....
Listen to me.

We both love each other. Definitely. But not in the way you think we do. "

He was looking extremely scared and paranoid so I cut him off

" No Haans.
Listen to me.

I know it.

I am in love with you, just like you are in love with me.
I know you, Haans.

You have told me so yourself.
You have told me a million times that I know you better than you know yourself.

Believe me.
Please. "

I took a shuddering breath in.
My entire body was shaking with fear. Every single inch of my body was trembling.

But so was His.

He looked just as scared.

" Haans..
Listen to me.
What is bothering you?
Tell me. "
I took his face in my palms.
His petrified eyes were haunting me.

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖀𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖆Where stories live. Discover now