⭐⭐⭐|¦_Another Point For Team Ben 10!_¦|⭐⭐⭐

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"GWEN!???" I asked, bewildered. Gwen just smirked "Yes, good to see you too. Also it's Gwendolyn."

A gruff voice called out "If you can just forget those for a second, WE HAVE SOMEONE LEFT TO FIGHT!"

Turning around, I saw Kevin single-handedly fighting Perses. I smirked. I looked at my wrist. I was a little sad to see Omnitrix reverting back to normal, but I was curious why it did. Maybe I should ask Azmuth.

My watch activated with a click and I slammed down on the alien hologram.

"Heatblast!!" I yelled out, flames around me dancing in glory. If I couldn't beat Perses, the Titan of Destruction, then maybe I can beat the Titan of Volcanoes.

"Hey ugly! I bet your mama was so fat-" I started the joke but was rudely interrupted by Perses loudly roaring.

"NOBODY JOKES ABOUT MY MOTHER!! YOU WILL DIE DEMIGOD!!!" Perses roared and rushed towards me.

Well, shit.

My flames immediately turned blue and I started absorbing the heat he was producing. He was getting slower, which was good, but he wasn't stopping.

A purple rope suddenly looped around him and held him back. Gwen was sweating from the strain.

"Hurry Ben, he's too strong!" Gwen said, groaning.

Then I transformed again "Waterhazard!!" I started shooting high pressure water on top of the Titan, who was just refusing to admit defeat. I increased my water powers using my sea powers. But he still wasn't going down.

I nodded at Kevin, who got my signal. I transformed again "Fasttrack!" while Kevin touched the ground and absorbed its essence.

I started spinning around the tied up Titan, creating an air barrier, and Kevin shouted, rocks forming in his hand.

"EAT DIRT!!!!" And two gigantic rocks were thrown at him, which hit his head making him making him fall to the ground. I slammed my feet, creating an earthquake and I immediately recalled Afthartos.

It changed into a katana for some reason and with a ninja style, I sliced his head off.

Perses disappeared in a golden light, his essence escaping to Tartarus. I high five Kevin, both of us returning back to normal. "Another point for Team Ben Ten!"

Kevin scowled "Yeah, the team's name was chosen by you, Tennyson."

"Boys!" Gwen scolded us, rolling her eyes.

Then Kevin suddenly shuddered "I'm never absorbing the ground ever again. It's like... Someone tried to mess with my brain."

"Well, first. HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE??" I yelled at them. Kevin closed his eyes for a second and then replied "Jeez dude, you don't have to yell at us like that. Ol' Paradox gave us a lift."

Gwen rolled her eyes "What he means is that Paradox told us you were in danger, so naturally we came to help you. Paradox sent us here then."

"Why?" I asked, rubbing my forehead. "I did not want you two to be involved in this war!"

Gwen bit her lip "Well, we don't know what you've been up to, but we have been your friends and partners for a long time."

Kevin continued "And they sure as hell don't abandon each other in times of need."

"Alright, you convinced me." I sighed "But now I have to explain the others about you."

I activated my watch again, sending a message to Azmuth. Before I could transform to Upgrade, Kevin stopped me by saying "Don't worry about that. I bought my car."

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