Chapter Thirteen

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There is a slight breeze this morning as I sit out the back area of the hotel. I have my legs splayed in front of me, a book in my hand and a cup of coffee in the other. I've discovered this small, quiet area to sit and relax. I rarely see another person when I'm out here, but I kind of like that.

Back in the city, even being alone in my tiny studio apartment, the bustling streets crept through windows even if they were closed. I could always hear chatter outside in the hall. People climbing the stairs. My upstairs neighbour walking around and speaking on the phone.

Here, it is quiet. Truly quiet. It's something I could get used to.

I'm finally sleeping better. Working helps. It occupies my mind and makes me tired, even when it isn't that busy.

A ding from my phone pulls my attention from my book. I glance down at the screen, surprised to see the regular girls chat buzzing with messages like it used to. I open it and see my name tagged a few times, asking where I am and how I've been.

Better late than never, I suppose.

I end up filling them in about where I am and why. After a few moments, Olivia calls me. Swallowing uneasily, I take a sip of my drink and then answer.

"Hey, girl," she says in the falsely sweet, hushed tone she uses that I once thought was endearing, but now know to be fake.

It seems strange to hear the voice of someone from my real world. As if I've been on some strange vacation and reality is calling. Shaking my head, I reply, trying to sound relaxed and neutral. We talk about a lot of random things, almost for half an hour, until I notice the change in her voice. I know what's coming.

"I have to talk to you about something, sweetie," she says.

"What's that?" I ask, even though I already know. They haven't exactly been very subtle about it online.

"Mitch and I are seeing each other."

My fist curls and uncurls for a moment. "Oh."

"Yeah..." she trails off. "It sort of... just... happened, sweetie. I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"It is?" she sounds surprised, which honestly makes it worse. She doesn't even know how little of a shit I give about him. Hardly a thought of him has entered my mind since I got here, but she didn't know that. This whole time she probably thought I was really upset and is only now reaching out about it, after going out of her way to exclude me.

"I guess, yeah." I say.

"Oh. Well. I'm glad you're okay with it! It's quite... serious."

I resist the urge to laugh. Mitch, commitment, and serious, are words that will never belong in a sentence together.

"I hope he isn't as awful to you as he was to me."

There's an awkward silence for a few moments before she continues talking as if I had said nothing. A few minutes later, I hang up, and toss the phone to the side. Sighing, I lean back on the chair.

I don't want to think about life back there, or the decisions I have to make. My head hurts when I do. For a little while longer, I want to pretend none of it exists. But I know that I can't do that.

Reaching for my phone again, pull up my notes and make a to-do list.

1. Figure out how long I'm staying here.

2. Start job hunting.

3. Do I want to stay living where I am, or should I move on?

Glancing at the time, I see that I have an hour before I start work. Pushing myself to standing position, I pack up my things and head back to my room.

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