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Word Count: 1900


I explain it all to him as fast as I can manage.

The entire time he stays silent, his expression grave. Doubt starts spreading across his face the more I detail the spirits plan, making it clear that he already isn't on board with this.

"I'm not going to let Atari hurt you," he insists, grabbing my hands, as if to prove to me that nothing to do with the spirit matters...that I don't need its help.

"I don't think you can stop her. I don't think anyone can, even Keo," I tell him firmly.

She's a Demon, her powers unknown. She has managed to manipulate seven powerful Angel-bloods...if she can do this, then she is very capable of using magic to kill all Demon's in an instance.

Kastriv looks sceptical. "But this spirit can?"

"Apparently." I shrug.

He frowns, rubbing the back of his neck. "You should know that spirits cannot always be trusted. They don't abide by a moral system as we do."

I nod grimly. I know that, but this spirit has spent far too long trying desperately to get in contact with me. Were they intending on harming me, why go through this much effort?

"That spirit knew things...a lot. I mean, I know Atari hates Demon's, so if she can kill them all, she will have you back under her control. That's exactly what she wants," I remind him.

She seems obsessed with controlling the Noble's. She will do whatever it takes for Kastriv to be under her thumb again.

I can't let that happen.

"Still, I think we need to step back and think about this some more." Kastriv looks uncomfortable, caught on the edge of wanting to believe the spirit, and knowing they can't be trusted.

"Atari could be days, maybe even hours away from releasing this." I shudder at the thought.

All this time she has been near me, mocking me, knowing what she has planned. It's why she doesn't fear Keo...

It's why she doesn't want Kastriv with me, knowing his mate will be stripped from him.

Kastriv opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off as Keo suddenly appears in the corner of his room, brushing off his jacket.

I flinch back, stunned by his sudden arrival.

He looks around the room. "Well, I'm assuming since you two are alone, the whole family excursion didn't go to plan."

I glance at Kastriv, watching his face fall. If Keo appearing out of nowhere wasn't enough, then the reminder of what has happened to his family is only going to worsen his mood.

"She scrambled their minds. They don't remember me," he mutters.

Keo rolls his eyes. "Great, so I filled her with compliments and tried to reason with her for nothing then?"

I shake my head. Of course Keo has no tact, but I suppose protecting Kastriv's emotions isn't his top priority. Thankfully my mate doesn't appear too affected, lost in thought.

"Don't tell me you slept with her," I growl.

Keo rests his hand on his chest, looking like I just punched him in his face. "Don't insult me. I do have standards, believe it or not."

"Look, I talked to that spirit, and she told me Atari is planning on-"

"Killing all Demon's with a magical spell? Yeah, I know," Keo cuts me off.

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