page twenty-six

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"Are you positive sir?" I asked the doctor.

"have you had sexual intercourse with any male within the last two months?" The doctor asked, looking through the papers.

god dammit. What was I going to do now? How was I going to tell Cristiano this? how would he react, my god. two kids already.

"do you want an ultra sound now or do you want to wait for another time when the father is here?" He asked standing besides me.

The father was here, he was outside in the waiting room. "um we could do it now I guess." I know I shouldn't be freaking out about Cristiano's reaction but considering how I didn't tell him I was pregnant the first time, this would be the first time. I was nervous.m oh god, I would have to tell my mother and father.

"give me a few minutes while I go bring the things that you would need for this." He said putting his clip board down and exiting the room leaving me to myself.

just saw the doctor leave, are you okay? -c xx

the writings flashed across my iphone screen.

yeah i'm good, he just has to get some stuff to check me

are you alright? do you need me in there? -c xx

no, i'm good. Thanks.

I shut off the phone.

did I really want I baby? Maybe.

I always wanted two sons or two daughters so they could be best friends and always there for each other. 2-3 kids was the maximum I wanted. But when I saw myself having those kids, I was married or at least in a stable long term relationship. Not single.

On the bright side though all my children were going to have the same exact father. I couldn't bear to think of what people would think of me if I had multiple children with different men.

The doctor came back pushing a cart with different things on top of it. One of the recognizable gel that they would put on my stomach. I remember having them put on my tummy when O was first pregnant with Nicolas.

"okay, so here's your ultra sound picture." He handed me the black and white photo that was inside the yellow envelope once we were done with everything.

"thank you." I grabbed onto it, stepping off from the bed.

"You have to have a follow up appointment, make sure to talk to the front desk or just call the hospital." The doctor explained.

"will do." I nodded.

"And congratulation, Miss James."

"thank you doc. " I smiled at him.

I opened the front door and walked out shutting the door from behind me. I sighed to myself and I kept the information I just learned flowing through my mind.

"Hey, what did the doctor say?" Cristiano stood up from his seat.

"nothing major, you know." I said.

"Are you sure?" He didn't look convinced.

"yeah, but hey I've got another birthday gift for you." I waved the folder at him.

"You don't have to." Cristiano shook his head.

"No, this one is a big surprise, I inist." I handed him the envelope.

He took it and looked at me, "do I have to open it now? Nicolas is waiting for us at Marcelo's "

I nodded, giving him a little push. "Its a must."

He shook his head chuckling and murmuring to himself. He opened the envelope with a confused look on his face as he raised the ultra sound photo up to his face then looked back at me.

"Happy Birthday, you're going to be a father." I tried to say it as spectacularly as I could manage.


Timeless // C. RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now