Chapter 25

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Happy Halloween, everyone! If you're going out tonight, have fun and stay safe. :)


"Ball?" I asked, standing in the middle of the empty hallway in dumbfounded shock.

She couldn't be serious.

This wasn't the end? I couldn't just go home?

Jessie seemed to only glow brighter the more we talked about this supposed ball. "Of course, silly. No one told you?"

"No." I had five little shits to kill when I got home. How could they have not told me there was a ball? "Do I have to be there? Like, isn't it just to congratulate the prince for finding a dragon?" Or his inner dragon.

She peered back at me sympathetically. "He wouldn't have found his partner without you. We're celebrating both of your successes."


"There's no way I can convince you to let me sneak out now, is there? If I leave now, I can get to Plum before dark."

She pulled me closer to her side, wrapping her arms tight around one of mine. I couldn't tell if it was out of excitement or if she thought this would stop me from running away. "You're kidding! I get to dress you up again. It was so much fun last time! Besides, you're great company."

"What if I told you I didn't have a dress?" There was no chance I'd be allowed to wear what I had on to a ball. . . was there?

The skip in her step only faulted for a moment before it regained its momentum, cheerier than ever. "Leave that up to me."

We came to a stop in front of the room I'd stayed in last time. She opened it up for me. My things were already lain over the bed--not that I had much. I'd been expecting to stay the night and leave at first light at the most. I'd been excited to see how quickly we'd gotten here--at how quickly I could go home and put all this behind me.

Jessie guided me to the bathroom, suggesting I spend my sweet time in the bath. Aka: I reeked. Unsurprisingly, really. Aside from the light sponge bath Amelia had given me while she healed my scratches and bruises, I hadn't bathed properly in days. I probably still had traces of Camden's sweat on me.

She left me to clean myself up. By the time I was done in the bath, she had returned, knocking on the door. I answered in a bathrobe--and then I instantly wished I had more on to hide my scars.

I curtsied. "Your Majesty."

Queen Bethany took in my scar-ridden legs with steely eyes before gracefully entering my room. She smiled at me as she sat on the divan at the end of the bed. "Good afternoon, Kali."

Several servants stormed my room, holding all kinds of gowns off the ground. My eye caught a deep blue one, but I cleared my throat nervously and returned the queen's smile. "What can I do for you, Your Highness?" Though it was quite clear why she was here.

"Jessie told me you came unprepared for the ball tonight." That was an understatement if I ever heard one.

"Um, yes, I did. My brothers thought it'd be funny if they didn't explain what happened after Prince Camden's Rite of Passage."

She did something very unqueenly and rolled her eyes. "Boys can be such a pain sometimes, don't you agree?"

"Most of the time, Your Highness."

She laughed. "I like you, Kali, you speak your mind. Now, I have come with dresses, you may pick one to wear tonight. I will have it tailored to fit you before the ball starts."

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