73 | careful

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I've already heard the plan from Sienna, but I just want to make sure about our agenda today

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I've already heard the plan from Sienna, but I just want to make sure about our agenda today.

"Well, I definitely fell asleep on the plane because I woke up too early, but I don't want to waste our precious weekend." Sienna grins. "I've had my shopping list, and we can go to the mall after we have lunch at the restaurant you recommended. Luna will be with us too, at least until Aiden finishes his work. Right, Luna?" She turns her head toward her future sister-in-law.

"Yup," Luna says, looking excited too. "I'm going to the mall with you two. I miss my brother, but I want to spend some girls' time. I wish Aiden wouldn't mind if I drag him with us so that we can spend more time together."

I sip my hot chocolate quietly. That won't be happening because Aiden has already told me that he would say no.

"Unfortunately, he can't." Luna huffs. "He'll be able to leave his office early today, but he can't go to the mall. He said he would take me out for afternoon snacks instead. I'll have to go when the driver picks me up. I'll meet Aiden at his office."

"Too bad," Sienna mumbles. "But that's totally okay. We all know that he's a busy man."

Relief washes over me. I can't imagine if the four of us actually meet. I'm not a good actress. Things will be awkward.

"He is," Luna says. Her eyes narrow as she thinks about her brother. "I'm glad that I can finally see him again. It has been a long time since he came back home to New York. It's also been quite a while since I stayed at his house here in Seattle."

I swallow. Right. Luna will be staying at Aiden's house for a few days.

However, I've already settled everything. There will be no trace that I've been living there.

"Where is he staying?" Sienna asks curiously.

"At Emerald Residence. He has a place there," Luna says humbly, sipping her cappuccino.

You mean, a penthouse. At the top of the building, I add in my heart.

"Emerald Residence?" Sienna's eyebrows raise, and my stomach churns.

The conversation is heading toward the topic I want to escape the most. I sip my hot chocolate again, trying to swallow my nervousness.

"Isn't that where you're staying, Nevaeh?" Sienna exclaims.

Her question makes me almost spit my drink. I choke, and my hand shakes lightly that it spills a few drops of hot chocolate from my drink onto my shirt. Sienna and Luna stare as I cough.

"Yeah, actually--"

"It's Nevaeh's apartment and we're staying there." Sienna doesn't even realize that she cuts me off with her excitement. "What a coincidence. The three of us will be staying in the same building."

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