Special Chapter....

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4 years later......

"JEON JUNGKOOK........ " Tae's voice ranged in jeon mansion.... Three siblings signed looks like their dad has done something again.....

"I don't know why dada always make papa angry" 6 years old Jeongguk said....

"Ggukie you know dada don't do something intentionally it just happens"12 years of Jungtae said.... After all she is her dada's princess she always take her dada's side....

" I don't think dada had done something small this time.... What should we do"12 years of Junghyun asked....

"I am not going up stairs... " Ggukie said concentrating on the television where iron man was playing....

"That's good idea... Let them deal it" Twins said sitting on either side of gguk seeing the television.....


Inside taekook's room....

Today was sunday so kook and their children were at home.... Tae wasn't feeling well from two three days.... So today he thought to do a pregnancy test... As they did it two weeks ago..... They do things quite much but always use protection....

They used it that day too.... But still he wants to get confirmed that he is pregnant or not... Kook was still sleeping as they both had a long a hot make out session yesterday night.....

Tae stood near the bathroom sink... Staring at the pregnancy kit blankly.... He signed and came out from bathroom shouting kook's name....

"JEON JUNGKOOK" he shouted which made kook to flinch and fall from the bed....

"Aaaahhhh.... " Kook said rubbing his bum which landed on the floor.... He looked at Tae who was glaring at him with burning eyes.... He gulped visibly ...

"What happened angel" He asked softly getting up from the floor....

"What happened.... See this" Tae said giving the kit to kook which stared at it with wide eyes...

"You are again pregnant angel.... Yayyyy i am going to be a father again.... " Kook said cheering but stopped when tae glared at him.....

"Now explain how did this happened" Tae asked raising his eyebrows hand on his hips....

"We made love and this happened.... Or you want me to tell you practically how it happened" Kook said smirking at Tae who glared at him with pink cheeks..... The audacity this bunny has....

"Yaaah.... I am serious.... When we used protection how I got pregnant" Tae said scolding kook who laughed nervously....

"Actually the con*** you know.... Got teared when I was.... Thrusting.... So there was no protection" Kook said rubbing his neck looking every where except Tae....

"What!!!!.... How??? " Tae asked with wide eyes and open mouth...

"That's not my fault... You were the one who seduce me that night... I got out of control" Look said shrugging....

"By the way let's go to doctor for proper check up.... I am so happy.... I will be a father again" Look said jumping like a bunny while Tae just shook his head smiling..... He can't believe this is the same kook he met on their wedding day.....

They both went down and told little jeons about this who jumped in the whole living room along with their father.....


"Bro.... You know you should stop now.... For God sake... Your kids are having crushes.... Be mature" Baekyun said to kook who was staring at Tae talking to other bottoms and ami.....

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