Stupid Trees

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"-learning how to climb trees, using no hands."

Naruto tilts his head, "How are we supposed to do that Kakashi-Sensei!"

"We will use chakra, this is also a great exercise for chakra control."

"Chatra?" Naruto stutters out.

I give him a soft look, "Chakra, Naruto. It's the thing we use to complete Jutsu, you use it to do your shadow clone Jutsu, I use it to heal, and Sasuke uses it for his fireball Jutsu-- amongst other things of course!"

He nods in understanding, "So you mean if I want to be Hokage I gotta be good at that?"

I smile, "Yup, now you're catching on."

He scratches his chin, "I wonder which Hokage had the best control-- how do I use it though? I mean, how do I move it..."

I hum, looking at Kakashi, he nods at me to keep going.

"Well, Chakra is needed for everything, including just living-- so our minds get used to using it subconsciously. People with, larger reserves pay no mind to how it is used from a young age, making it more difficult to learn control as they get older -unless good habits are built into them- but people with smaller reserves have to be slightly more reserving and cautious, thus allowing them to be more precise."

He looks slightly lost, so I try and say things in a way he would understand as I speak again.

"If you have, say, 50 ramens-- and were very hungry, you would eat until you were full, right?" He nods, "Well, what if you only had 5? Instead, you would carefully plan your meals, or eat less."

"Oh I get it now!"

"Good, now, imagine those ramens could be used for a fight. Having a lot of ramen would be beneficial, but if it isn't used strategically, it won't do much."

He listens along intently.

"You, are the bowl-- you hold the ramen. The soup is the vessels for the chakra, it's where the chakra can flow. Have no soup, and you will have no ramen. The ramen, is the chakra itself. It is up to you to make the ramen soup and bowl flow with each other smoothly."
I take a few breaths, letting him think for a moment, then continue on.

"Taking your chakra to one point-- well, why don't you guys try it first, then I can help you out more, is that okay?"

Naruto gives a huge thumbs up, "Yeah!! Thanks Sakura-Chan!"

I giggle, waving as he and Sasuke walk off in attempts to beat one another.

A hand pats my head, I look back seeing Kakashi.
"You explained that pretty well, anyway-- I was thinking I could teach you the basics of the Added-chain(and a surprise weapon), shall we?"

I beam as my heart thumps excitedly, I nod my head quickly, and he shunshined us to a small clearing -not far from Naruto and Sasuke, but enough so we don't come across one another.

I pull out the added chain from my seal and grab it as soon as it poofs into existence. There was a side with a handle, and the other side was similar to an axe type of shape. All in all it was similar to a Kusarigama-- the only difference being the longer chain(Hence the 'added-chain' part)

He breaks a small branch off of a tree, standing it upright in the ground.

His hand is out in front of me and I plop the weapon into it. He gets into a stance demonstrating how to properly hold it, and how not to hold it.

He takes the non-sharp ended side of the weapon- keeping a slight grip on the opposing side in the same hand- bringing his arm above his head at an angle; he throws and I watch as the chain wraps around the branch, sharp part lodging into the branch-- and then he pulls, bringing the whole thing flying over towards us.

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