Chapter-42 Let's leave for Amarus

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A disciple of Eiji as ordered by him walks to the chamber where the angel was lying unconscious to feed him the medicine. Holding the tray in his hands he opens the door to enter the room but as soon as he steps inside and turns towards the bed, his feet get struck and his eyes widen seeing the scene in front of him. Taehyung was still unconscious but a sparkling golden light encircled him enveloping him like a cocoon. The young disciple trembles and quickly runs out to seek his master, causing a commotion in the quiet place. 

Eiji was meditating in his chamber and didn’t like to entertain anyone at this hour, this was known well by his followers. Still hearing the call and commotion outside he furiously opens his eyes and walks out to lash out his anger at them but after knowing their reason he gets a bit worried and rushes towards the room Taehyung was in. 

He stops seeing the golden light radiating through the opened door, magical and very bright. His steps halt then he turns to his people and asks them to remain outside, not wanting any danger near them. Eiji’s followers were all very obedient and skillful, they might have gotten scared by this unknown phenomenon but it was only for the sake of the person inside. If Eiji had asked them they would without hesitation enter inside just like how Jeongguk is. 

They nod obeying his orders but remain there and watch as the light slowly dims and completely vanishes. Eiji then quietly enters the room holding his breath, he doesn’t want his presence to cause any harm to the person inside. His eyes travel towards the bed and see the angel sitting on the edge with his straight back facing the door. The golden sparkling light that was covering him before was now dancing on his head like a halo, it also moved throughout the angel’s body like scanning his wounds and then slowly starts to dim.

Eiji watches this magical light with incomprehensible expressions and becomes more curious about the happening with his disciple and his connection of him with this stranger. He notices a slight movement in Taehyung and becomes alert as the angel stands up and turns to face him, there was a mark on his forehead that was slowly diminishing giving him a divine look. 

Taehyung tilts his head seeing him as soon as he regains consciousness and then smiles lightly, his surprise gone in mere seconds replaced by softness in those eyes, “This Prince is very grateful to the master for saving his life and giving him shelter.” His speech was full of gratitude. 

Eiji was surprised that the person in front of him didn’t seem confused or weirded out but instead called him master, this piques his interest and he quickly asks “Do you know me? Have this master met you before?”

Taehyung shakes his head in response, his posture straight and voice soothing, “But this Prince has been familiar with you.” Eiji narrows his eyes but remembering how Jeongguk asked him to help this stranger, he might have also told the other one about him, he nods and quickly greets back.

“You have been unconscious for several days, I will ask my disciple to prepare some light meal for you…” He then stops remembering that magical light before and hesitates “You can eat mortal’s food right?” Taehyung smiles hearing it and nods.

“But rather than troubling master, this Prince would want to take a leave” He hesitates and then says “This Prince would just ask one last favor to meet my friend Yoongi on the way.”

Hearing the human name Eiji dithers then tells him “Jeongguk, the General of Amarus, and also my disciple, seemed to have known you, he visited me before going to the capital and asked a strange favor…He wanted me to find you and help you in need. Since he seldom asks for anything, this meant a critical matter to me this master took his people and searched around for you, then a bird send us to the location of your place but we reached late. When we arrived you and the Zuershian boy were already unconscious with only Jeong___” Eiji grits his teeth “That being there, he then took your friend with him saying you have to come to the capital to take him back.”

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