"I Don't Know."

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It was the afternoon on a Tuesday, a week after all of my training was finished, and I just wait until the Master Chef preparations are finished. I now know how to judge and how to create the dishes that will be made. And oh hell am I excited.

Me and Gordon were in my hotel room on the couch watching a movie on the couch. I was on one side of the couch eating at a bowl of popcorn and Gordon was on the other, taking a swig of his beer he had.

The TV started showing a ad, as we were just watching a movie on ABC. I sighed and took another bite of popcorn. Gordon went on his phone before looking at me.

I blinked before turning to the celebrity chef. I motioned to my bowl. "Want some?" I asked.

"No I'm good thank you." Gordon said, before placing his phone away. "I was just admiring you, as usual."

I sighed and put my bowl down and turned my body towards him. "You are a hopeless dude, you know that."

Gordon smirked before scooting closer to me. He held my chin in my hands and stared at me with those ocean blue eyes. "I know you don't like affection, but please let me adorn you with love just this once." He said.

I sighed and looked at my boyfriend-fling-illegal thing. "Okay." I said gently.

Gordon's expression lit up like fireworks before he leaned in and kissed me passionately, holding my face with care and love. It was then I moved my hands from my lap up towards his blonde hair, running my hands through it. Gordon seemed to like that, and he kissed me with more fire before it ended up with him hovering ontop of me. It was then he leaned down, kissing my neck softly. I widened my eyes and leaned back. Like holy shit bruh.

Gordon was about to move his hands up my buttons of my flannel before the door knocked.

I cleared my throat. "I'm coming!"

I pushed Gordon away gently before standing up. I grunted at the pain my back from laying on the couch before making my way towards the door. I opened it and was welcomed by a middle-aged woman with brown hair and pale skin, and gosh she was beautiful.

"Tana, what are you doing here?" I heard Gordon's voice behind me.

I blinked before turning back. "You know her?"

"I'm his wife." Tana replied, looking at me with curiosity.

I widened my eyes and then looked between Gordon and her. Well fuck.

"You didn't answer my question, love." Gordon said, crossing his arms.

"I was planning on visiting you somehow. I know how busy you are with your apprentice, and I thought it would be nice to come during your break." Tana explained to her husband.

Gordon sighed and looked over at me. "Evelyn, this is Tana. Tana this is Evelyn. Evelyn is... a partner of mine."

Tana widened her eyes and looked at me. "Oh you weren't kidding! You two are together!" She smiled. "I'm so happy you found someone!"

Gordon smiled over at me. "Well you can't beat the Venom."

I rolled my eyes and then coughed. "Uh, Gordon, may I speak with you in private?"

"Of course, darling." Gordon replied before following me in the bedroom where I closed the door and sighed shaking my head.

"Evelyn, I know what you are thinking, and I understand, it is different." Gordon started.

"Different?! Hell yeah it is different!" I said and crossed my arms. "At first I was semi-okay with it, but now that your WIFE is now here I don't know."

Gordon furrowed his eyebrows. "Semi-okay with it?"

I sighed. "Gordon, when you told me on the beach you loved me, I thought about saying straight up no. But something inside me wanted to say yes. Maybe it's my trauma that finally liked how someone actually sees me, or what my therapist says 'a cushion', or maybe I do have feelings I don't know." I said. "Like I don't even know why I am even here, I should have stayed at the Brookstone, and helped my mother at the hotel. I don't know! I just don't know.." I was pacing back and forth.

"Now I know why you aren't affectionate." Gordon said and leaned against the door. "I can't help you figure out your feelings, but I do know that I do genuinely love you, whether you reciprocate them or not, and I honestly want to make you the best chef out there, and you have proved me that you are nothing but beauty and talent."

Gordon walked up to me, lifting my chin up. "I will ALWAYS here for you Evelyn Masters."

He gave me a light kiss on the forehead, and walked out of the bedroom.

And here I am alone with my thoughts.

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