His First Happiness

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Another week had come and gone and Halloween along with it. During that week, nothing seemed to happen out of the ordinary, other than Law taking the week off from school. Out of everything he'd ever done, at least up till recently, that was the most shocking thing to you. Law never missed school, even when he was feeling a little under the weather. But he stayed home the entire week with you and never said a word about it. You both also never said a word about the events that night nor did the police ever show up even just to question either of you.

Law's nerves had strangely settled and he tended to you with you hardly having to ask. He was back to his usual calm and collected self, but there was a frosty chill about him now that you weren't sure you liked. He never showed you any coldness, in fact Law was as sweet and warm as he'd ever been. He helped you cook dinner and gave you little foot rubs on the couch while you both watched TV. His love making was very gentle and tender lately too, like he was afraid you'd become fragile and, in a sense, you had.

But there was a cold glint that came into his eyes if he heard anything strange around the house, especially at night. He installed another lock on both doors into the house and now along with his wallet, there was always a pocket knife on him. It didn't help that you had become rather jumpy lately too. You had no desire to leave the house and any strange sounds at night made you flinch and go on high alert. The one time the doorbell had rang, Law had to come find you after answering it to accept a package. He finally found you hiding in the back corner of the walk in closet.

You'd never experienced life threatening danger. Your childhood had been wonderfully happy and filled with smiles. Even after dad died, Grandad made sure to keep you smiling as much as possible. In a way, you were very spoiled to live such a privileged life. Now, having experienced your first life shaking close encounter at 28, you didn't know how to process it very well. On top of being attacked, you had watched Law take a life. You knew he was a fan of watching violence at a distance, but you had never expected him to get directly involved, and especially not at that severity. At first, you thought it was a terrible nightmare, but the bruises on your arms and wrists the next morning told you otherwise.

The day after Law called out of school for the week, he said he had to go into town to get more milk and eggs. He was very reluctant to leave you alone, but you did not want to go outside. Finally, he pulled you into the living room and sat you on the couch with a serious expression.

"If something happens to you and you can't get a hold of me, I want you to call this number and then keep your phone close. Understand, (Y/n)-ya?" Law had said and handed you a little card with a number scrawled onto it. "I'm going to be looking at my phone religiously from now on, but this is just in case of a serious emergency. If anything at all happens to you, these two will be at your side in an instant, alright?"

And that was all. He never told you who "those two" were, never said where he got the number, and never spoke about it again. Over time, you vaguely started to relax. It was slow going and difficult though. You think you needed time away, even if just a little. It would probably be best if Law had some time away too.

You walked around the bedroom with the phone pressed to your ear. Law was sat in the living room reading and the house was quiet. Sunlight still streamed in through the windows as it was only just barely past noon. The line picked up and a booming laugh came from the other end before you even got to say anything.

"Is that my GRANDBABY?!" The voice rumbled loudly.

The sound of Sengoku's voice brought a smile to your lips. "It's me. How are you, Grandad?"

"Oh I'm alright, sweet pea! Retirement sure is nice. I get to feed the seagulls every day now!"

You chuckled. "You got to feed the seagulls everyday even before you retired."

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