Chapter 2

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We walk to the park on break. Tadashi removed my vest so I could have a break from working also.

"Alright, Riku. Go play." Tadashi told me.

I went running around to enjoy my break. I chased birds and squirrels. I don't hurt them, I just like to chase them. Tadashi was sitting on a bench watching me play and smiling at me. I ran around some more, but then I wanted to play with Tadashi too.

I walk to him and look at him.

"What is it?" He asked.

I lower the front part of my body with my tail wagging in the air.

"Oh, You want to play with me?"

I run from him and stopped to look at him again, I wanted him to chase me. He starts to chase after me and I run from him. He catches up to me and scoops me up in his arms.

"Ha! I got you!" He said confidently.

My tail wags in excitement and I lick his face as he laughs. We played with one another until it was time to go back. Tadashi puts my vest back on.

"Ready to go back to work, buddy?" He asked.

I whimper.

"Aw, bud.. I know. But, don't worry, we will have fun still, even if it's still work." He smiles at me.

I wag my tail, I guess he was right. He puts a helmet on my head and puts his helmet on. I jump on the next seat on the Vespa while he's sitting infront of me. He drives us back to the college and he head back inside to get back to work on Baymax.


Tadashi was finishing some things in Baymax's programming. I was helping by bringing tools to him.

Suddenly, his phone started to make a noise that Mochi would make sometimes. Tadashi picks it up and holds it up to his ear and stares at the wall.

"Hey, Aunt Cass." He greeted, still looking at the wall.

This was a little confusing for me because Aunt Cass was not there, and yet he was talking to her. I could kind of hear her voice coming from his phone but it was muffled. Was she inside the phone? I don't know.

"Alright, goodbye, Aunt Cass." Tadashi said and hung up and checked his phone for the time.

I look out the window to check the time in my own way. It was night, the day was over.

"Alright, Riku. Aunt Cass told me that Hiro went bot fighting. Let's go and get him, Riku."


We walk outside and he takes off my vest and puts it in his bag. "What a long day, huh, buddy?"


He drives the Vespa until we make it into a city that I haven't been before. I look around curiously, the Alleys made me feel uneasy and scared, scents of unfriendly people entered my nose. I started to whimper, loudly. Tadashi looked over with shoulder at me with just his eyes, with a worried expression on his face.

"I know, I know, buddy. I know it's scary, but we have to find Hiro." He said as he kept his eyes looking infront of him.

We both looked around for Hiro.


We got to an alley way were we saw Hiro get pushed to a wall by someone big and threatening, along with other threatening scented people slowly crowded Hiro. Tadashi turned and sped up the Vespa and drove it infront of the the scary people which scare them, and they fall back with a grunt. Tadashi looked at Hiro.

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