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Alicia's Pov

Someone shook me awake. Opening my eyes I saw a similar shade of eyes sitting next to me. So all that wasn't a dream. Here I was sitting in a car next to my eldest brother.
Wait.. a car. Weren't we flying in some beautiful but desolate plane?

Lucas said when he saw my confused face.
"Niña, you were asleep when we landed. And I didn't want to wake you up as we had had to ride for another hour, so I carried you to the car."
(little girl)

I nodded at him. I waited for him to tell me my punishment for oversleeping, but when I looked at him, there was no trace of anger. Maybe he is better at hiding his emotions.
Better than sir.

In a few minutes, the car stopped in front of a house or rather a mansion. It was the most beautiful house that I have ever seen. And the garden surrounding it is even prettier.

The only thing that is quite odd is the army of guards surrounding the mansion. Like one or two are understandable but there were more than 10 as if my brothers are some royalties.

Seeing the fancy car and super fancy house, they might be.

As we got off the car, Lucas looked at me and said,
"Bienvenido de nuevo a Tu Hogar Tesoro."

(Welcome back to your home treasure.)

I questioningly looked at him, not understanding any word he said.

"I said welcome home, Alicia."

I nodded at him. Home. This word gives me chills.

Home, where on the outside, everything thing looks beautiful and picture-perfect but the reality is hidden inside the four walls. This reality is often hideous. These four walls hide the secrets, the pain, the scream, and the tears.

"Shall we head in, your brothers have been waiting for you?" Lucas said and broke my chain of thoughts, only to start a new track to nerves.

Brothers, five elder brothers, how would I survive five of them when only sir and Madam were enough to almost get me killed?

As we were getting closer to the main gate, for me it felt like getting closer to my doom.

As we entered, Lucas shouted
"Boys, living room, NOW" he was so loud, that I couldn't help but flinched.
Loud shouting scares me to death, this was the sign that I messed something up and had to be disciplined.

Unfortunately, Lucas noticed me flinching. Does he ever fail to notice something? He has his eyes everywhere.

"Sorry, dear."

And again I nodded. I think my neck is seriously gonna sprain after all the nodding.

Then there was the loud noise of like some elephants stomping down the stairs and in like a minute, all four of my brothers were standing in front of me and Lucas.

All of them were so tall and well-built. I doubt that I am their sister.

I won't lie, I am terrified of what they can do to me. All of them alone look way stronger than Sir and Madam combined.

"Boys, introduce yourselves. Eldest to younger" Lucas said more like ordered.

"Martin, 20." He snarled at me. Martin had almost the same height as Lucas but more muscles. He was covered in tattoos, that was peeking from his T-shirt.
I am scared of him, even more than Lucas. At least Lucas talked decently to me.

"Issac, 18." He was no better than Martin as he growled at me like I have committed some great mistake already. He was I bit shorter in height than Martin or Lucas.

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