Chapter Nine: A Different Kind Of Monster

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Author: Even though I said this book will be ten chapters... I would still like to write a Halloween and Christmas special when the time is right.

A month has past since the death of your friends Pilar, Maine and Dorio. Pilar always managed to make you laugh, Maine helped you become the Edgerunner that you are today and Dorio helped you a few times but you wish you could have spent more time with her. You've grown used to the idea of David being in charge of the crew but you miss having Lucy around.

Right now you and Kiwi are on a job for Rogue.You drive yourself and Kiwi to a warehouse owned by the Tyger Claws. Your job is to retrieve a weapon that is being held by one of the captains in the Tyger Claws gang. You stop the bike just outside the fence surrounding the warehouse. 

Y/N: By the way Kiwi... You haven't heard from Lucy have you?

Kiwi: No... You?

Y/N: No... Let's just finish the mission quickly.

You get off your bike and climb over the fence. Kiwi pulls out a tablet. You and Kiwi link your comms as you sneak over to the warehouse.

Kiwi (Call): The katana should be located on the top floor in the captain's office. There are no Tygers outside but there are three on the bottom floor and five on the next floor. That leaves only the captain on the top floor.

Y/N (Call): So Nine total? And the captain is alone... He must have a lot of confidence in the others or himself.

Kiwi (Call): Yeah.

You quietly open the door and see a Tyger just standing not to far from your position. You sneak up behind him and grab him. You swiftly but silently snap his neck and drag his body away. You see two talking to each other in front of the stairs. An army of Nanobots flow across the ground like smoke. The two Tygers look down in confusion.

Tyger (1): Huh? What is this stuff?

Tyger (2): Some creepy looking gas... I'm not high right now am I?

Tyger (1): Of course not... If you were high I wouldn't be able to see it too.

Tyger (2): Good point.

They both feel a strange presence and turn to see you standing there. 

Y/N: Hi.

Tygers: Hey.

Before they can react you slam both of their heads against each other knocking them out cold. You shake your head as the Nanobots return to your body. You sneak up the stairs and look to see five Tygers all standing in front of the next stairs chatting. 

Y/N (Call): Kiwi... Do you think you could do something to help me sneak up? I don't want to risk the captain running off.

Kiwi (Call): Two of them have pretty weak neural networks so I can cause their brains to fritz but you'll have to handle the other three on your own.

Y/N (Call): Understood... Then I'll just rush them.

Kiwi (Call): Neutralising Tygers in three... 

You get ready to run.

Kiwi (Call): Two...

Nanobots flow down your arms and form your shotguns.

Kiwi (Call): One!

You rush forwards causing the five Tygers to panic and point their guns at you. Two of them spark and drop to the floor. The last three look to their downed friends distracted. You quickly blast your guns shooting holes in all three of them. You then rush up the stairs and barge into the office door. The Tyger Captain grabs his golden katana that you came here for.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Where stories live. Discover now