The Baby Daddy

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You stared down at your stomach, there was no bump or anything yet.

The doctor said all the symptoms you had been feeling were because of your early pregnancy and they usually disappear after the second semester. It is best if you rest as much as you can. She told you not to do heavy duty for the time being. You did not have heavy duty.. And you were also ...

Do not want to keep the baby.

It was terrifying.. you were too young.. 

You knew it happened to some people but to yourself. You never imagine that..

Your parents will kill you. Forget about them, you will kill yourself first for letting them down, not to mention your sister, "How could i be this dumb..? Didn't he wear a condom?"

You cursed Taehyung with every language you knew, you will kill him next time he appears in front of you!

"Ah.. I even scold him not to come near me anymore..." You want to punch yourself.

How exactly will you solve this now?

You could not imagine how your parents will react. What should you tell them? You were sure Yerin and Jen were having sex more than you but why this happened to you instead.

"What should i do.." It was a terrible thing thinking to rid of the baby when it was inside you as if he could hear your thoughts too.

"She did not attend college again." Yerin dialed your number. You did not seem fine yesterday and today your phone was totally off since morning.

"Just let her be." Jen sucked on her lollipop.

What's the point if you didn't want to contact them? She wasn't slightly worried about you.

"What's with her recently?" She found it unusual for you to skip class, for not picking up her calls, "Did she tell you anything?"

Jen snorted, "If you are not here, she will turn her head every time she sees me. What do you think?" Your relationship with Jen is not as close as her to Yerin. She was your opposite type. Jen had no morals and her mouth was gerberich, things you hate the most. Sure you will hang out with her if Yerin was around, however if Yerin went home early, you did not bother to give her face and gave her cold shoulder. Jen got used to that treatment from you.

She didn't care either.

"Ah, I'm frustrated. How about we visit her again? She must get sick or something."

"So that she could tell us to go back? No thanks, I'm fine, I have plans. You may go if you are so curious." Yerin pouted, she also thought you will feel better if she comes alone.

She was very worried. She tried to call you once again. Only to hear your number was inactive.

You stand in front of Yerin's apartment. Her boyfriend went on a business trip so she stayed in her own place. She is supposed to be home by now.. You glanced at the watch on your wrist.

It was seven o'clock.

Jungkook's apartment was just right next to her. Wasn't she living in a dream..?

Suddenly you felt discouraged. You did not know what to say anyway..

"She is inside, I could hear the music from her room." Jungkook happened to be leaving his apartment. He had a dinner appointment.

"Oh, thank you." You smile sheepishly. You came without dressing up properly. Your face must look haggard right now. This is very embarrassing, you murmured.

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