7. 💝

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1.1k Reads!?? WOW... I hope everyone enjoys this book... :) FINALLY 1000 READSSS!!! I also edited some bits of the earlier chapters. When Sir Alastor talks about Y/N he calls her test subject 2528. His 2528th test subject...



(News broadcast)

"It has been 4 weeks since Y/N L/N was last seen, no new updates have been sent through. It looks like she's disappeared off the face of our earth! Talking about disappearing, Masaki Dazai, the son of the infamous writer Osamu Dazai, has suddenly released a book. This news is something unexpected. The book is called Quantum Teleportation."

(back to real life)


"Turn it off." 

"But, Sir Alasto-" Ugh, the annoying persistence of new employees. I simply flicked a finger, and he went scuttling away. The black screen mirrored my appearance, copying everything I did. Another failed test subject. As soon as Y/N got teleported away I lost track of her. It will take ages to reform an opening for communication, and I just don't have the motivation. But my next subject might just aid me to my success. I sighed while rubbing my forehead, I was so sure test subject 2528 would be it. I still have a flare of hope ignited in the deep hollow of my body. She was test subject 2528. So many failed subjects, I must pray for their safe return to the clouds above. 2104 of them died in the process and 424 have been teleported, but to where? I wonder how many are still alive in a different universe. I do wonder if Y/N is still alive. Maybe she's dead already and haunting me like the others. 

"Sir, It's time, our next subject is vulnerable," Ivan walked in and bowed at my presence. 

Right... Time to snatch test subject 2529...

The sun was slowly rising, yellow and pink started to paint the plain blue canvas. Not many mortals are awake at this time, so it's a great time to strike, not perfect, but great. My next test subject was called Carlos ringer, soon to be test subject 2529. Carlos was a 12 year old boy, and he was an above average student. Always getting the highest grade possible. He had a sibling, but they passed away just a few days before our attack. Carlos is currently home alone, sleeping. His mother and father have to go to work at an unreasonable time, so they can keep paying their bills. 

Ivan and I gripped our weapons before charging into the boys house. A startled shriek cried from upstairs. Ivan followed close behind as I jumped up the stairs and pushed his door open. Carlos' eyes widened as he noticed our weapons.

"Hello young Carlos..." A smile crept up onto my face, the poor boy seems frozen. His body tensed up, and I took that as my indication to move towards him. This kidnapping will be extremely easy, frozen with fear, he's giving up to easy. I ruffled his hair and circled around him, what a poor boy...

"Ivan hurry up, take him and lets get out of here," I scowled at my employee's ignorance. At any point in time my lucky test subject could've run away, and Ivan left a clear opening for him. He quickly covered his mistake and tied Carlos up. He was pulled over Ivans shoulder, so it was time to experiment again. What a weak boy...

Hope is the only thing a human can hold onto in this world if they wanted to remain sain, but I still cling onto my last grasp of hope, I have for hundreds of years. I think my fire of hope is slowly dying, and with that my sanity dies as well...


Over the past few days everyone had been so very busy and I had to sit at the agency bored. Kunikida couldn't teach me maths because he had so much to do, and Miss Louisa decided to take a big break, thats what Dazai said at least. But I was super mad at Dazai because he refused to teach me more about my ability... Ugh, what a brat! Every day I'd get more homesick and no one had enough free time for me to talk about it. I missed my mummy, my daddy, all my other dollys, and I missed a world without these stupid abilities. They did all their jobs then came back exhausted, then get frustrated at me for wanting to hang out! Even Ranpo shooed me away... 

"Everyone quickly in the meeting room!" Kunikida shouted out. Finally, something I could do, I could catch up on everything that's happened! But before I could even step foot in the room, Dazai pushed me back and closed the door without a word. So rude! I sat right at the door, and after a few minutes I found the perfect idea swimming around in my brain. I would so get my revenge on these stupid agency members! I overheard their conversation and it sounded like they were no where near finishing their meeting, perfect. I pushed what I could (shelves, chairs, couches and some desks) and placed them In front of the door, trapping them in. What a perfect plan... I'll make them stay there until they agree to hang out with me! 

After what seemed like forever, I could hear their meeting come to a close. The door knob rattled, yet the door wouldn't budge. 

"What the hell?" I heard Yosano's voice on the other side. 

"Why won't it open?" Atsushi queried...

"Wait...Y/N are you there?" Dazai knocked. I chuckled slightly while walking as far as I could go to reach them.

"I'll only agree to let you out once you say yes to hanging out with me!" I yelled out, hoping they would hear my formal proposal. 

"Who'd you want to hang out with you?" 


"All of us?"


"Okay! We'll do it, now let us out!" Ranpo whined. I had to put all of the chairs, shelves and everything else I had out back away so they would be let free. The door finally clicked open and I greeted them as their heads poked out the door.

"Okay I've got a plan-" But my words were cut off by Ranpo, who was sucking on a lollipop.

"Not now Y/N...We're busy!" 

A/N -

Extremely short chapter, I'm sorry... Losing motivation but I promise I'll continue! It's quite hard thinking of a way to fit a child into this story, so it might be a while before I update again... Thanks for reading! Also tysm for over 1000 reads I greatly appreciate it and it was so unexpected! thank you all.... <3

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝑺𝑫 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя