Chapter 8

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The next day came, all three of us went down town to go shopping as we arrived there i experienced the moment where i could see the female lead and the second male lead having their moment.

Honestly i feel kinda bad for my older brother but for my personal feelings im glad he isn't the male lead cause it be weird if the step siblings became lovers but i still pitty him.

We went to store to store to buy new suits, dresses and new jewelry since i was tired i told them that i would wait on the bench nearby and they agreed.

Francis seems to have liked what i said since he can finally have an alone time with her.

As they continued shopping i sat and rested on the bench but someone unexpectedly mentioned my name.


as i turned around to see who it was i saw a man in a cloak as he approached me all the knights that stayed with me gathered around to protect me, i asked him.

"Who are you?"

He removed the cloath that was covering his face and said, "Its me Clayton."

I was suprised, "Wait! Pri- i mean Clayton? Is that really you?"

He nodded, i then told all the knights to withdraw their sword and stand down, i also told them to,

"Tell my Siblings to come home first since ill be hanging out with my friend for the time being."

They disagreed and replied, "But my lady its our sworn duty to protect the lady of the dutchy."

"Don't worry ill be fine and you can trust him."

He bowed, "Well if you say so my lady."

She then went off and followed him as they walked together to the streets she started the conversation by, "You look really good on black hair."

"Really? Do you prefer this color over my original one?"

"Oh ah no, i just think that it suits you quite well but i prefer your snow like hair cause you look more handsome."

A faint grin appeared on his face after hearing her statement and somehow it made him happy.

"Aren't you gonna ask why i changed my hair color?"

"Hmm, not really i already now the answer."

Its kinda obvious honestly the imperial bloodline is the only one in this empire who has hair white as snow and if he walks around with that hair color many people might be shocked about it since there is only one crown Prince in the empire although it's true that they excused that Clayton is a child of the emperors brother but the more he grows the more he looks like his real father, such a perfect resemblance of him.

"Anyways where are we going?"

"Actually i didn't make any plans i just really wanted to talk to you when i spotted you."

This guy he must be really lonely, hmm what should i...

Aha! i got it.

"Wait here."

"Where are you going?"

"Just wait here, ok?"

He look somewhat suprised since she just brought it out of nowhere but he agreed, "Well if you say so."

A while later...

"Clayton, im back!"

"Where have you been?"

She then showed the object that she was holding and said, "Tada!"

"What is that?", he asked.


Happy Ending For The Tragedy Side CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now