Never Have I Ever

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It was the day everyone had been waiting for the entire year: the university festival concert. Where everyone could dress up, get drunk, and relieve stress by partying all night long.

The festival itself is held for a whole week, and the students would get to celebrate the end of their semesters, having finished their requirements and obligations, and basically letting loose. It's a university tradition to reward their students; heck, even some of the staff could be seen enjoying the festival. Everyone is encouraged to join; outsiders are welcomed too — it's really just one big party with food and alcohol.

Usually, the first and second days are dedicated to recitals and remedial exams, the last spurt before break: Yeonjun practicing for his club's dance number, Kai procrastinating his last projects, Soobin making them as excuses to attend school, and Beomgyu dancing for Taehyun's performance. The parties start during the night of the third day, going through the fourth and fifth night and then the semester is officially over.

A week of no school; it's bound to be the best week of the year.

Speaking of Taehyun's performance, it's become a hot topic among students and visitors alike. Primarily because they got to see Beomgyu dance, until they realized that the show was genuinely amazing. Jaw-dropping, heart-stopping performance that'll raise expectations for their next ones. What a pressure that'd be, but the performing arts majors are up for it, ready to give everything for their shows. Taehyun was brimming with excitement once the curtains were drawn and the roaring of the crowd echoed in the auditorium. As it was well-received, gaining a full standing ovation, recognition from not only their professors, but also from their department head. Definitely one of Taehyun's best days, especially with Beomgyu by his side supporting him.

Their spirits are high, tensions on their peak as the friends meet up by the university gates, ready to get shitfaced drunk.

Except for one person.

"I'm the designated driver. I shouldn't drink." Beomgyu shrugs when the group offers him a shot of soju, earning himself retorts and complaints.

"Dude, you never refuse a drink. Why bother now?" Eunho urges, nudging him on the shoulder. The others follow suit, shoving their cups to his face as Beomgyu hides behind a laughing Taehyun.

They're currently in one of the tents set up as mini-restaurants slash hang-out spots, arranged by various student clubs to organize the crowds. Everyone is sitting on the insulated matting with boxes serving as tables; there are plates of anju along with bottles of different-flavored soju, as they converse and bicker over ever-changing topics. There's distant jamming somewhere, a bunch of kids street dancing, and tons of people reuniting after the exams season.

Soobin had invited Eunho — Beomgyu's best friend, who studies at another school — and Taehyun had the wonderful opportunity to meet him in real life and bond. Wanting to be closer to every important people in his boyfriend's life, establishing his place.

They click easily; Eunho being polite and warm and Taehyun being friendly and approachable. Conversing over their common music interest, and mutual friends.

Plus, they're both a menace to Beomgyu's mentality.

"C'mon Gyu, don't be such a killjoy. Taehyun wouldn't mind if you drink, you know." Eunho pushes further, sliding a new cup for his friend to consume.

Beomgyu gazes at Taehyun, whether he was asking for permission or begging him to stop them, he doesn't dwell on it. Ignores it, even. Because then, he's grinning and handing the cup to Beomgyu himself.

"Let loose, babe. You don't have to drive, we can always book a taxi." He says, with a smile he knows his boyfriend couldn't resist.

"Yeah!" Soobin singsongs, wrapped in Kai's arms. "It's been a while since you've gotten drunk anyway. I thought you were going to show Tae every side of you?"

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