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Benedict walked out of his hotel and towards Mr. Zerga who was waiting patiently for the package that his granddaughter had sent for him. He had sent his bodyguards to pick it up from the airport earlier that afternoon and now that everything was clear, it would be making its way to the Bellagio.

"Mr. Zerga," Benedict greeted as the elderly gentlemen gets off the phone.

"Mr. Benedict."

"It's a very busy night for me," Benedict stated, "Are we on schedule?"

"I have no reason to suspect otherwise," Zerga answered, "My granddaughter assured me that our couriers will be here momentarily." As he said this, Virgil and Turk, dressed as his private body guards pulled in front of them and got out. Attached to Virgil's wrist with a pair of black, steel handcuffs was the briefcase in question. An exchange of words is made between the three men, Turk hands Saul a red rose boutonniere. Zerga smiles and clips the boutonniere onto his breast pocket.

"My granddaughter's mark and her favourite flower," Zerga explained to Benedict, "A way to tell me that these are in fact what I am looking for and that she can't wait to see me." Zerga nods and Turk unclips the briefcase from around Virgil's wrist and locks it onto Mr. Zerga's.

Benedict and Saul made their way into the hotel flanked by both of their security teams. As they pass by the slots, Benedict noticed Danny sitting there with a woman in a black dress with a white rose corsage that unknown to him was Rosalind. Danny looked down as they continued to make their way through the casino. Benedict nodded at one of the members of his security detail.

"Find Mr. Walsh and tell him that Mr. Ocean is in the west slots," Benedict ordered and the security guard quickly nodded his head and made his way to the casino manager. Turning towards Mr. Zerga, Benedict nodded to Turk and Virgil.

"I'm afraid that I can't have any private security personnel in the casino cages, "Benedicts explained, "I hope you don't mind."

"No," Saul stated, "Of course not." Saul dismissed both Turk and Virgil as a man from Saul's past made an appearance and sadly he recognized him. He kept calling Saul's name as the large group walked past him. Both Turk and Virgil move fast, grabbing the patron quickly and keep him from stepping too close to their "employer." Turk and Virgil look at Saul as if awaiting their orders. Saul waved his hand in a dismissed manner.

"Mikael, Vladmir," Saul ordered. Both Turk and Virgil remove the drunk patron from Saul vicinity before he does anymore damage. Benedict watched as Turk and Virgil removed the man.

"Mr. Benedict," Saul called, getting Benedict's attention back on him, "Please, I have never enjoyed the touch of steel to my skin." Benedict watches Saul for a moment, before placing his cigar back in his mouth and they make their way towards the casino cages.


Saul opened the briefcase to reveal to four very large emeralds. Benedict looked at them appreciatively.

"Lift them up, please," Benedict asked, as he looks at the briefcase. Saul did as he asked, as Benedict pulled the briefcase towards him, checking for anything that could possibly do any kind of harm to him, the vault or his casino's security.

"Alright, Mr. Zerga," Benedict conceded, "I acknowledge that your briefcase does not contain any dangerous or illicit material and I further agree to take custody of said briefcase and store it in my secured vault for a period of twenty-four hours after which your granddaughter will pick them up. Now, I cannot allow you to actually accompany the briefcase into the vault-"

"Why not," Saul interrupted.

"Insurance for one, security another," Benedict listed off, "But most of all I just don't trust you." Mr. Zerga looked at Benedict with a steely gaze for a moment, before offering the man a small smile. A knock at the door, interrupted the conversation. At the door is the casino manager, Mr. Walsh.

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