Chapter 15: Betrayal

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"On our wedding day, your dad asked me to always be by your side. He was vulnerable that day. He wasn't the stoic billionaire he portrays himself to be. He is an equally love craving father." Amayra said.

"You're nothing but a misuse of our family fortune!" Dad growled.

"I'm so-sorry dad." I cried out.

"Sorry for what? Being weak and surrendering to all those things I taught you to stay away from?" He yelled.

He taught me to stay away from 3 things: drugs, crimes and failures. Of course he's talking about failure here.

"It's okay Alex. Your entire clan had been Acers. It's just your dad unable to comprehend that failures aren't big deals. Losers can still breath, darling. Cheer up." Aunt Malisa hugged me to sleep at night.

Loser. That's what I am.

"Who was the informer?" I asked her, trying to brush off the thoughts of my past.

Was it Ethan who lied about me? Didn't he say he loves me? Or was it some teacher who cooked up something to feed my parents and get money from?

I saw Amayra opening her mouth to reply when another voice boomed into the room.

"It was me." Aunt Malisa stood at the hallway.

"Aunt Malisa?" Of course not! She can't do that to me. Never.

"Yes. It was me Alex. I informed your parents that you were involved in an illegal circle of drugs. I told them your aloofness and physical weakness was due to all those drugs consumption." She said looking down.

Aunt Malisa never looked down. She said only guilty people look down while speaking to a person.

"I just cooked up about your disease too. You were perfectly fine. All those years, I instigated you against your parents." She whispered lowly.

A tear slipped from my eye. I could never think of her being a betrayer. Anyone but her. How could she do this to me? Didn't she herself witness me going through all those mental traumas? How I criticised myself to be weak, pathetic and a fucking disappointment? I thought she was the mother figure of my life.

"Why?" I chocked out.

"Because I was freaking childless. I was an infertile. My husband was financially broken. He never loved me. He loved that mistress of his. While I was suffering in all fields, your mother was living in a fucking paradise! She had a supporting husband, a loving family and most of all a healthy environment." She broke down.

"I had nothing! I just wanted a child. I found you being close to me. How could I let you go away?! So I lied. I lied about all your disorders. Fuck, you never even failed in any exam. I paid the school teachers to not get you promoted. I lied your parents about you being a misuse to their fortune. Your dad never believed me. But your mother was too vulnerable and weak for our love and friendship. She trusted me blindly." She cried out.

"I instigated you to move out on your birthday because James had planned to sit and discuss everything with you."

"No Soph. We can't let Alex go on the way he is going." Dad said to mom.

I was there. Eve's dropping at their door.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow. Let him enjoy his day. I'll make everything clear tomorrow." He said.

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