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Danny was currently mid into his 'after dinner/night time' performance when the door suddenly opened. While still playing, he glanced over his shoulder to be meet with the sight of the manors young resident acrobat standing semi-awkwardly at the doorway in his little bat-pajamas with a juice box.

"Hey, little D." Danny would forever be thankfully that he had already been in his human form in that moment. "Whatcha still doin' up? It's a little late to be out of bed, isn't it?"

"I-" Dick gulped nervously and hesitantly stepped into the room. "I wanted to thank you for not tell B or Alfie that I came in here last night."

"Your thanking me from not telling on you for doing something you shouldn't, while again doing the same thing you weren't supposed to be doing in the first place?" Danny asked amused with a raised eyebrow.

"I-" Dick began to statter in panic. "I didn't think about-"

"Kid-" Danny slowly stood up and carefully keeled in front of Dick, keeping a good distance between them. "I'm not mad, k? And I'm not goin' ta tell Bruce either, I was just teasing you."

Dick fidgeted nervously for a bit before holding out the juice box. "Here."

Danny look between Dick and the juice box. "Why are you giving this to me?" He asked calmly as he took the Apple flavored drink.

"I was going to get you coffee, but I didn't know how to work the coffeemaker." Dick admitted with a blush.

Danny barked a laught. "Are you trying to bribe my silents?!"

"No!" Dick denied quickly. "It a 'thank you' gift! For not telling on me!"

"Well," Danny started, laughter dieing down. "Your welcome, I guess. Though I wasn't going to say anything regardless, as long as you don't break anything and get enough sleep, of course."

"I'm-" Dick cut himself off with a loud yawn. "Not tired."

"Aha." Danny nodded, not buying it in the slightest. "How about I read you one of those books Alfred mentioned you like and stay with you until you fall asleep?"

Another yawn was his answer as Dick gave a sluggish nod and raised his hand in the universal sign for "Up!".

Danny chuckled quietly as he picked the sleepy acrobat up and silently carried the kid back to his room for a quick bedtime story and some goodnight cuddles.

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