i. for always being there for me

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The door to the Cullen house opened and closed

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The door to the Cullen house opened and closed. Jacob and Seth walked in with Bella and Edward behind them. "Look at you." Elizabeth said, turning to face her sister. She gave her a hug. "Is it fun?" Elizabeth asked. Bella nodded. "You like it?" Elizabeth asked. "Yeah." Bella breathed out. "You look amazing, Bella." Alice said. She really did. "Someone's been waiting to meet you." Carlisle said. He moved out of the way to show Rosalie holding Renesmee. "Rose."

Rosalie turned around. Bella looked at Renesmee in awe. Rosalie handed her to Bella. Bella looked down at her. Renesmee reached up and placed her hand on Bella's cheek. She showed Bella something and then removed her hand. "What was that?" Bella asked. "She showed you the first memory she has of you." Edward told her. "Showed me? How?" Edward chuckled. "How do I hear thoughts? How does Elizabeth eat and sleep? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted." He explained. Bella looked down at Renesmee in confusion. "I've only been out for two days?" She questioned.

"Her growth rate is unprecedented." Carlisle said. "Alright. That's enough experimenting for one day." Seth said, going to grab Renesmee out of Bella's arms. "Seth. She's doing great." Elizabeth said. "Yeah. Let's not push it, though." Seth said. Bella glared at Seth. "What's your problem?" She asked. "Oh. Do tell her, Seth." Rosalie said, coming over to stand by her mates. "This should be good." Emmett commented. "Hold on a second. Bella." Edward said, taking Renesmee out of her arms. "Look, it's a wolf thing." Seth started off. "What's a wolf thing?" Bella growled. Angela took Renesmee out of Edward's arms, beginning to see where this was leading.

"Um... You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise." Seth continued. "Take Renesmee out of the room." Bella said. "Oh." Angela left the room with Renesmee in her arms. "Edward, don't touch me right now." Bella said as Edward grabbed onto her shoulder. "I don't wanna hurt you." Edward let go. "Oh no." Seth whispered. Bella grabbed him by the back of the neck and dragged him outside. "Oh, shit." Bree said. "Bree!" Elizabeth scolded her daughter before following her sister and Seth outside.

Bella threw Seth to the ground. "You imprinted on my daughter?" Bella yelled. Jacob ran down to help Seth get up. "It wasn't my choice." Seth said. "She's a baby!" "It's not like that." Seth clarified. "You think Edward would let me live if it was?" Edward crossed his arms. "Still debating it." He said. "I've held her once. One time, Seth." Bella said, stalking towards the werewolf. "And already you think you have some moronic wolfy claim on her?" Leah came out of the woods in her wolf form and growled at the newborn vampire.

"She's mine!" Bella yelled, pushing Seth to the ground. Jacob shifted into his wolf form as Embry and Quil came out of the forest. "It's fine, guys." Seth said, standing back up. "You're gonna stay away from her." Bella told him. "You know I can't do that." Seth said. Bella punched him, sending him flying backwards. "Stop her Edward." Esme said. "He said it's fine." Edward responded. "Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago?" Seth asked as he stood up again. "That's gone now, right?" "Long gone." Bella responded. "Because it was her. From the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there."

"Nessie?" Bella questioned. "You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster?" She yelled. Seth stepped back. Bella went to attack him but Embry jumped in the way. Bella threw him into a tree. "Bella!" Elizabeth scolded. "Embry!" Bree shouted out, running over to her boyfriend. Quil ran over to him and nuzzled into his side. "Embry, are you okay?" Elizabeth asked, running over to check on him. She leaned down and ran her hands through his fur. "Embry, I'm sorry." Bella said. "He'll be alright." Seth said as Embry got up. Quil nuzzled further into his side and Bree took Elizabeth's place running her hands through his fur. 

"Bella, you know me. All I want is for Ness.." Seth trailed off. "Renesmee to be safe. Happy." He said. Bella sighed. Elizabeth sped back up to the back porch and dragged Edward inside. "Edward, I think it's time you tell Bella the truth." She said. "What truth?" Edward asked. Elizabeth gave him a look. "The truth about you being gay, and your marriage." Elizabeth said. "You can't keep lying to her. And she can't keep lying to you. If you stay together, the only one who will get hurt is Renesmee." She continued.

Edward nodded. "You don't need to be together to be good parents to her. You already are." Elizabeth said. Edward nodded again. "I'm gonna go talk to her." He said. Elizabeth went to to leave to go find Emmett and Rosalie. "Elizabeth, thank you." Edward said suddenly. She turned back around and tilted her head in confusion. "For always being there for me." He said. Elizabeth smiled and walked towards him. She wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you for being my best friend." She said.


Everyone watched as Bella threw Edward out of the door. "What's going on?" Jasper asked, jolting up. "He told her the truth." Elizabeth said before speeding outside. "You lied to me!" Bella yelled. Edward groaned and got up off of the ground. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He said. "Listen, Edward, I don't care that you're gay. I care that you lied to me about it, still married me, and then had sex with me." Bella said, running a hand through her hair. "Our marriage may have been fake, but that doesn't mean I love our daughter any less." Edward said. "She will always come first. No matter what."

Bella sighed. "I want a divorce. I don't wanna be stuck in a loveless marriage." She said. "Okay." Edward said. "Um, you guys aren't even legally married. So that won't be a problem." Elizabeth spoke up. "Wait, what?" Bella asked. "What do you mean?" "You guys never signed the papers. That means your marriage isn't legal." Elizabeth explained. "Bella, I will always love you, just not in that way." Edward said. Bella nodded. "Me too." She said. Elizabeth clapped her hands. "Well, now that that's all figured out, I'm going to go and get Landon."

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