Chapter 19: The Prison of Shadows

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December 2, 2006

2:01 PM

Apparently, demons don't believe in asking for directions. I can't tell you the number of sneers, stares, and middle fingers I've received during my journey along the road to the Dark Prison. And the cursing! It's enough to make any devout angel weep.

Thankfully, I am not a particularly devout angel, as evidenced by the fact that I am currently in the depths of Hell, searching for my demon lover.

There's also the fact that I have now stolen, not just this new notebook, but also a stash of Sanmu's coins, which I fortunately happened to stumble upon before leaving his tower. Let me tell you, though, it's a good thing I did! Money definitely seems to be the way to peoples' hearts here.

Although, given the number of seedy-looking demons meandering about, I'm glad I had the wherewithal to stash it somewhere no one would think to look. (In an interdimensional pocket of mana, in case you are wondering. That is one thing I am very practiced in doing. How do you think I was able to sneak a notebook into Archangel Ramiel's manor so many times without him noticing?)

It's been a big effort not to open my wings, and an even bigger effort not to fall into a lava pit, but thus far I've succeeded. (We'll overlook the near miss with a bog a few minutes ago).

Nirael: 1, Hell: 0.

Now, onto the good news. Apparently Azerath's trial is some sort of public spectacle, which is horrifying on many levels, but also a good thing, because there is a chance I might be able to rescue him.

How I will rescue him, surrounded by evil demons in the middle of Hell, is not something I've fully considered, but I'm sure a plan will take shape when the time comes.

5:26 PM

A random vantage point outside The Dark Prison


(Pardon my decidedly un-angelic language. Hell must be rubbing off on me).

5:29 PM

The rumors that Azerath's trial is open to the public were correct.

But what they failed to mention was that without a ticket, it's impossible to get close enough to hear what the lawyers are saying.

Or properly see the defendants.

If I could fly, I might have a chance. But I don't dare open my wings, white as they are, so my only option is to squint from down below, my view obscured by the asshole demons blocking my view of the goings-on.

7:15 PM

It's over.

Oh Diary, I'm so upset.

By the time I finally managed to elbow my way to a place where I could hear what was going on, they had announced that the trial was done.

Sanmu wasn't at the trial.

And Azerath... poor Azerath... he lost.

The sentiment in the crowd was terrible. Hordes of demons, all flapping around the Dark Prison, shouting for Azerath's Unmaking. It made me boil inside, because aside from associating with Heaven, Azerath hasn't done anything wrong.

I caught a glimpse of him being led away, and I wanted to cry. He looked so defeated, so... tired. As though being Unmade, at this point, might be a relief.

"He'll be given one week before he gets Unmade," I heard somebody say. "Until then, he'll be locked up in one of the isolation cells at the bottom of the Dark Prison."

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