New home Pt.2

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"Mmm, it suddenly smells really good in here." Marco suddenly says from behind me.

I turn to see the boy much closer than he was before as he inhales deeply. "Like right before it rains, and it feels amazing outside."

"I believe what your describing is called Petrichor." I say, catching his attention.

"Exactly. I love that smell." Marco smiles as the smell reaches Star's nose.

"Why does it suddenly smell like Comet in here?" She asks, face scrunched in confusion.

Marco's smile drops as he whips his head around. "What did you say?"

"See for yourself." Star says all but throwing him in my arms.

I catch him before he can completely fall and he slowly lifts his head up from my chest.

(Marco View)

Comet's blue eyes sparkle as his long eyelashes flutter open.

His smell encompasses my nose as I spot the beauty marks under his eyes.

His earrings sparkle bringing my attention higher.

Fluffy blonde hair sways to the side as their eyes connect.


'What was that?!?'

(Back to Comet)

Marco jolts out of my arms, leaving behind a small ache in my chest.

I frown and rub my chest before turning away.

"Let's go step up your room Star." I say, distracting her.

"Let's magic it up!" Star grins, grabbing my arm and pulling me downstairs.

Marco follows as Star throws open her door brandishing her wand. "Sparkle Glitter Bomb Expand!"

"Whoa..." Marco says.

"Nice job Star." I say, earning a wide smile before she starts jumping on the bed.

"I wish I had a room like this." Marco whispers.

Star gasps and stops bouncing, "You do?!"

"Shouldn't have said that." I sigh, already preparing for the worst.

"Huh?" Marco asks before Star runs to Marco's bedroom.

"Mystic Room Suck Transform!" She shouts as we look over behind her.

A black hole appears in the middle of the floor, sucking up everything in the room.

Star and Marco scream while I shut the door before they get sucked in.

"Suck"?! "Suck"?!?" Marco shouts in panic, "Why was the word "suck" in that spell?!"

"I don't know! It just came out that way!"  She says guiltily.

Marco groans and slams his face on the door.

Star and I share a look and she shuffles over.

"I'm sorry, Marco. Uh... how about a little sunshine to brighten your day?"
Star asks hopefully, creating a small sun over Marco's head.

Yet it immediately turns into a raincloud, drenching him in water.

I wince in sympathy while Star Aws in disappointment.

"I can't take this anymore!" Marco shouts. "If you're moving in, I am moving out!"

Marco moves toward the open window and slips outside followed by a groan.

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