Media day

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We head back towards the rooms and I can't keep the smile off my face. Leah interlocks our fingers and we walk hand in hand along the corridor.
"She said yes then?" We bump into Alex greenwood
"Of course she did was there ever any doubt"
"A couple people may have lost a bet, you can still say no y/n and we can split the money"
"Haha very funny Alex" Leah is getting a little defensive so I give her hand a little squeeze
"How much we talking? I could be tempted" I say looking between Alex and Leah
"See Leah y/n knows how to take a joke, you two look good together. I'll catch you in the morning goodnight girls" she continues walking towards her room
"Leah you're going to have to be better at taking the jokes we rip eachother about everything this is going to be news for a little bit"
" Yeah yeah I know I'm just protective of you and us and I don't want people taking the piss"
"They're almost certainly going to take the piss but I'm a big girl you don't have to protect me"  Ironically I say this as she towers over me
"Interesting choice of words for someone so short" she smiles and stands up on her tip toes increasing the height difference between us
"I'm of average height thank you" I cross my arms and pout
"For a 13 year old" she opens her mouth in a fake shocked face and turns to run when she sees the look on my face.
I chase her down the corridor following the sound of her giggling and shouts of "I didnt mean it" and "I'm sorry you're the tallest person I know"  I wasn't running at full speed otherwise I would have caught her after a few meters but instead let her think she was getting away.

She stops outside her room a little out of breath and still giggling
"I think you're losing your speed kid"
"Ohh yeah?" I quickly step to her side and tickle her ribs before she could defend herself
"Ohh no, ssstop ha please I give in"  I stop ticking her and stans up to whisper in her ear
"I'm not in the habit if giving you what you want so quickly but I don't want the other girls coming out to see what's going on"
She swallows and nods her head
"Goodnight beautiful ill see you bright and early" I lean in to give Leah a kiss
"Woah where do you think you're going?"
"Back to my room?" I say confused
"You're already there, I took the liberty of moving you back in with me"
"Ohh did you now? Very presumptuous of you miss williamson what if I had declined your offer"
"I didnt think about that" a shy look on her face
"Shall we go in, I've missed you being big spoon , G was too small for it to be comfortable" I walk in the room leaving her standing in the hallway mouth open
"I'm kidding now get in here"

We quickly get ready and head to bed and soon I can feel Leahs breathing get heavier and more relaxed and I fall asleep not long after to the feel of her arms wrapped round me and her body against mine.

"Wake up sleepy head" I heard the voice then felt a pillow hit me in the head
"Ohh what the fuck"
"Time to get up its media day" I open my eyes to see tooney stood next to my bed
"What time is is?" I reach over and check my phone. Shit I've slept in I jump out of bed and grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to wash and brush my teeth all the the amusement of Ella who is enjoying my panic.
"Chill out mate it's okay the interviews got pushed back an hour"
"Wait wheres Leah?" I say whilst brushing my teeth and trying to put a top on at the same time
"Ooooo wheres Leah"  Tooney mimics my voice but goes up several octaves
"Tooney" the tone in my voice must have been  enough
"Shes downstairs she's with G today, she sent me up here to make sure you were up because apparently you told her that the head teacher said school was cancelled so she thought you might want a little more sleep"
"I don't remember that at all, I must have been tired"
"Haha its cute seeing you two talk about eachother both of your faces light up"
I turn a nice shade of red at the comment and go back to trying to get ready
"So me and you today? No Less?"
"Nahh she's with Hempo I think they wanted to mix it up a bit to get new content"
"So I get stuck with you then aye?"
"More like you won, getting to spend the day chatting shit with me what more could you want" she puts her hands on her hips and holds her head high looking very proud and waiting for me to agree
"Okay okay I guess you're in my top 5 people I would want to do today with"
She smiles widely and I can't help but laugh, she's right I am lucky to spend the day with her she makes things like this fun.

The media room is just our indoor training facility but now it has several stations set up throughout with various interviewers setting up their cameras. I can see some of the other girls getting involved in some tik tok challenges and have to laugh when I see Jill learning a dance with millie and Lucy, she's all arms and legs but still manages to hit every mark.
"Just think in a couple hours this will be done and we can eat"
"I like your thinking, just don't let me embarrass myself please" although I am slightly older she has more experience with this sort of thing from the Euros so I am trusting her to see me through it
"I would never, well at least not too much" she says giving me a quick wink
"Winking at my girl Tooney?" I didnt see her walk up but Ella had and was smirking like she meant for Leah to see
"Just keeping you on your toes skipper, don't be jealous we get to spend the day together"
"I'm more worried at the trouble you two will cause"  we both fake innocent 'who me' looks and she laughs at us
"Hey kid just one thing before you go, I wanted to check in with you. I know im the one that told the team and I trust them all not to say anything until we're ready but I wanted you to know I will tell the world about us if you want to" this girl continues to make my heart do flips she's willing to go back on keeping us a secret if I wanted to
"Yes obviously I would shout it from the top of the building for everyone to know but I think you were right before, keeping it between us and our friends is more than enough for now"
"Agreed! Thank God we aren't doing these together, they would be able to tell instantly that something was going on between us, I can see the tik tok edits already"
"Y/n we've got to go we're up"
"Bye kid ill catch up with you later"
"Yeah you better"

Tooney leads the way to the first interview and so it begins. Interview after interview of reliving the accident and how I'm finding being the new kid on the team and if I know yet if I'm playing tomorrow. I wish I could just do the football side of this job turn up play and go home but I know this side is just as important if we want to grow the game. Tooney keeps it fun and we end up playing truth or dare for the England Instagram page. Tooney goes first and lands on dare
Serenade your partner
"Ahh that's easy for you, we can't get you to stop singing normally"
"Shut up and enjoy it" she then breaks into a rendition of ABBA does your mother know. A tooney classic.  When she was finished I wiped a fake tear from my eye
"That was beautiful mate you might need to look at changing careers"
"I know right, wasted playing football"
It's my turn to go and it lands on truth

Who out of the team are you closest to

She can't help herself but Tooney bursts out laughing
"Something funny Ella?"
"Ohh no just thought of a joke not appropriate for the moment" I have to laugh along with her, of course this is the question I get
"Well what's your answer?"  I continue looking at her but shake my head smiling
"I think I've become close to most of the girls they have all been very welcoming" perfect media trained answer but unfortunately I wasn't going to get away with it that easily
"Yeah but who are you closest to? Got to answer the question properly" she is trying to hold back more laughter as she continues to push for an answer
"Thanks Tooney! Erm well I would have to say Leah , we are roommates and share a lot of the same interests"
Tooney chokes back a laugh and tries to disguise it with a cough
" *cough* yeah they're really good friends"

Luckily the time runs out on the interview and we are let go
"Real smooth mate, you said you would make it easy on me"
"Ahh a little teasing doesn't hurt plus you did have fun admit it" Her smile is contagious and I give in
"Yeah maybe just a little bit"
"See plus now we get to eat"

She had said the magic words and I was relieved that this part of the day was behind us and we had training still, one more chance to prove to Sarina I was back to 100% before she chose the team for tomorrow.

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