Chapter 18: Felix

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1 month later

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1 month later.......

The past month has been pretty boring, blew up most of the Russians wear-houses, which were all easy to do, and we managed to do it untraced, Theo couldn't get into the USB as the system it was set up with was almost impossible to hack, and I didn't want to bring any of my connections into this until absolutely necessary.

Luca could get into that thing in an hour.

But Luca is my secret.

There are only a few things left to do to take down the mafia but they would all be big missions and take time so they would have to wait for Valentino to get back.

We all had ideas on how we could go about it but we needed a solid plan, as we couldn't risk anything going wrong.

We had all started training the new recruits and as it happens I'm a pretty good teacher, I teach knifes, and we all teach combat.

I became closer to everyone this past month, we would go out to clubs, to dinner and we even went to a theme park last week. I was actually having fun and I can't remember when I did that last.

We went on rollercoasters, and took pictures in photo booths.

We did normal things, i haven't done normal things in the past nearly four years now.

I was always working or training. I would feel to guilty to let myself have fun, but here I was with the Italian mafia caring up on all the things I missed out on.

Elena was still trying to convince me to meet my parents and I was still telling her no.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they are lovely people but so much would change if I met them, too much. I'm not ready to be part of a big happy family, after all of this is over I'm going to go back to how I was before, a lone danger slipping through the cracks of the underworld.

I also know how much danger I would be putting them in, I have earned a lot of respect over the years but I have also gained a lot of enemies, powerful men see me as a threat,and granted if they had something I want I would simply take it, and I'm not ready to give that up.

After showering I changed into a chocolate brown hoodie and black leggings. I dried my hair before making my way downstairs.

I walked through the white halls and into the kitchen, only my jaw dropped at what I saw,
Next to Elena and Angelo stood not only Valentino but a girl I first met nearly three years ago.

What the fuck is going on?

"Chiara?" The girl looked as stunned as me.

"Your Felix's sister right?" I asked, as I moved my foot around the floor trying to find where the fuck my jaw decided to wander off to.

I don't know why it surprised me that she was stood here, her brother Felix is the don of the American mafia and happens to be a good friend of mine, but I didn't know they knew the Harts, if I did finding them would have been much easier.

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