07 - Cody

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I was so mad at Rafael yesterday

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I was so mad at Rafael yesterday. How could he treat his fiancé like that? I wanted to slap him so hard but refrained from doing so. He was so rude to her.

I walk into the living room only to see Rafael's fiancé sitting with Cash and Alex. The guys look uncomfortable as she speaks to them while they don't answer her.

Why is everyone rude here?

I walk further until she sees me. My lips lift into a smile as I walk toward her, extending my hand for her to shake. "Hello, I am Ana."

She looks at my hand and then at my face, and scoffs. She shakes her head and stands up. She bumps into my shoulder on purpose as she mutters some colorful words that are not appropriate at all.

Wow. I am glad they treat her that way.

Suddenly, I am not mad at Rafael. She deserved how he treated her yesterday. What a bitch.

"Don't mind her. She gets jealous of her own shadow," Cash says.

"I wonder how Rafael puts up with her," I say, shaking my head, only to earn a groan from Alex.

"Oh, no," Alex says and stands up, and leaves.

"Finally!" Cash grins.

"Finally what?" I ask in confusion.

"Finally found someone to talk to about Carmen."

Oh, no, indeed.

"I don't want to be in the middle of anything," I quickly say, lifting my hands in surrender.

"Oh, don't be a party killer--anyways, Rafael actually doesn't put up with her. She has been obsessed with him for two years, and only last month did they get engaged. Her father is Manuel's friend and thought it would be best for them to get married."

"So, an arranged marriage?"

"Yes. He was against this whole thing, but he did it for his father. He hates the word Carmen, but don't tell him I told you that."

"That's sad."

"What is?"

"Marrying someone you don't love," I say with a frown.

"Oh, don't worry. Raphael doesn't actually have a heart that beats for another girl. He is cold and has a heart made of stone."

"That's even sadder."

"Tell me about it." he sighs, shaking his head.

"Anyways, I better go to the infirmary. It's my first day working there," I say standing up.

"Good luck!" Cash grins.


Yesterday, after watching my father on the television, I had to leave for some air. No one came after me, especially when I locked myself in my room and acted asleep.

I was so heartbroken yesterday, but then again, I didn't really care. I knew he was toxic and never loved me. To him, I was an investment that would give him popularity. He only cared about himself.

I brush off the thoughts as I walk into the infirmary. Rafael and the doctor whose name I still don't know are sitting and conversing.

"Good morning," I greet as I walk inside.

"Good morning," the doctor replies. Rafael just nodded.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ana," I say, extending my hand for him to shake.

"Cody. Nice to meet you too," he replies, shaking my hand.

His hair is sleeked back, has a defined nose, and little full lips. His small green eyes shined under the intense light of the infirmary. His height is average, a little shorter than mine.

"So, what will I be doing?" I ask as I take a seat in front of Rafael.

"Well, I haven't really thought about it, but you could start by helping me around with patients." He moves his hands around, pointing at no one in particular.

"Yes, sure. I prefer to help around than to be responsible for anyone on my own," I reply nervously.

"Why? I heard that you're a surgeon," Cody innocently asks as he furrows his eyebrows. Before I could say anything, Rafael clears his throat and stands up. "Cody, there might be someone coming in today. Don't let him die."

My heart flutters from fear. I joined a mafia and I keep forgetting what they do for a living. I don't know exactly what they do, but I don't think Manuel is cruel enough to kill people. But again, I don't know.

"Who?" Cody asks.

"Someone who works for Storm."


* * *

Working with Cody was fun. He was very gentle and taught me a lot of things as I taught him as well. He was very nice to me, unlike Rafael, who barely glances my way. Not that I care. I learned that Rafael is very moody. He could be very nice one minute, and the next minute rude. I don't know what goes into his mind.

I shower before going to bed. I don't want to sleep because I am not ready to have more of those nightmares. It's the same one every time - I see him in the emergency room, order the nurse to prepare the operation room, prepare myself to go in, and work on him to keep him alive. But the end of the dream turns dreadful. Without anyone understanding what I was exactly doing, I cut one of his inner organs, causing him inner bleeding. I didn't know what I did until the monitor beeped and announced the time of death. It dawned on me that I killed him with my own hands. I did it on purpose because I had to. He caused me so much pain.

The nightmares from what he did to me, turned into the nightmares of what I did to him.

I put my head on the pillow and close my eyes, praying quietly that I don't have any nightmares for once. But before I fall asleep, I hear a knock on the door.

I peel my eyes open and step out of the bed. I open the door and see Manuel standing. "Uncle?"

"Mi hija, can I come in?"

"Sure." I open the door further, allowing him to enter.

"Did something happen?" I ask as I follow him further inside.

"No. I wanted to talk to you about something."


He sits on the sofa and ushers me to do the same. I oblige.

"I wanted to make sure that you're comfortable at the infirmary. After what you told us in Vancouver, I thought working at the infirmary could be the wrong decision, but I didn't want you to stop working."

I sigh and smile at him. "I am fine as long as I don't do something extreme to a patient. I just...I just can't do it anymore. I shake, and then I remember."

"You said you did it on purpose, why, if I may ask?"

I avoid his eyes and look at something in the room. "I am not really ready to talk about it. Maybe one day."

"I understand, mi hija. I will be there for you when you want to talk about it. If you ever feel uncomfortable, please tell me."

"Thank you, uncle."

"And by the way, don't mind Rafael's actions. He just doesn't trust you easily and doesn't know you as I do. Just be patient with him, please."

I shake my head a little and smile, "Don't worry about it. I understand."

"Thank you." He gives me the warmest smile and stands up to leave. "Good night."

"Good night."

* * *


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