Chapter 6 - Loser Initiation

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Aiden hurried to his regular spot at "the losers" table, where Brayden and Owen were already eating lunch. He had an unusual spring in his step. This was probably the first time that he had smiled while at highschool.  

" You aren't going to believe what happened to me this morning!", beamed Aiden. 

"Let me guess, you pantsed, wedgied and trash canned Connor Monaghan?", questioned Brayden, sarcastically. 

Aiden was dumbfounded. "How did you know?", asked Aiden. 

"The video is all over school", said Owen. 

Aiden was happy that for once, the bullying video going viral wasn't him getting humiliated. Part of him wanted to feel bad for Connor, but deep down inside, he still hated his former tormentor for all the things he had done to him. 

At the same time, Connor was making his way through the cafeteria. He was on a mission, as he headed toward "the losers table". Ever since the video came out, it seemed that everyone he passed was laughing at him, or commenting about him to others. It felt like everyone in the school knew what had happened. He needed to get to Aiden, and settle things properly this time. He needed to deal with this, without his older cousin getting involved. 

As Connor approached, he sat down directly across from Aiden. He sat silently, calculating his next move.

Owen was the first to break the silence. He sarcastically asked Connor, "Are you lost? can we help you?"  

Connor just gave the nerdy freshman a dirty look. Owen was happy to finally have someone that, even if only temporary, was below him on the social ladder. Owen Continued, "You think just because you got picked on once, now you get to sit at the losers table? You have to earn this level of social status!"

"I can see why so many people like shoving your head in toilets", snapped Connor. Owen barked back, "at least I don't smell like a garbage dump!"

Connor sighed, "listen Aiden, I just wanted to come say that I am sorry for all the shitty things I said and did. I was a jerk".

"You already did that this morning", bluntly replied Aiden.

"ya, but that felt kinda forced and insincere. After this morning, I have a new perspective on the matter. I truly am sorry now", replied Connor.

Aiden didn't know how to respond. How do you nicely say that you think their apology is bullshit and that you still hate your guts. He settled with a simple "Thanks".

Connor looked around awkwardly. "is it ok if I eat lunch here?"

"Get thrown in one trash can and your friends disowned you", mocked Brayden.

"No, but Chase and Ethan both went home "sick" when they heard that my cousin's wanted to talk to them".

"Real tough guys", chirped Owen

"Looks like someone needs to get his loser initiation", Boomed Troy Mason, as he and his goons approached the table. Troy added, "How about a round of chair wedgies, boys!".  Troy and each goon grabbed hold of a loser's waistband. On the count of three, they pulled as hard as they could. Troy was first to get Connor's Camo boxers over the back of the chair. Owen's fruit of the loom tighty whites were second, followed by Brayden's blue plaid boxers, then Aiden's blue hanes boxer briefs. Troy threatened the boys with what unpleasantries would befall them if they dared remove the chair wedgies before the end of lunch, then left to find his next victim. 

"If you keep this up, you will earn your spot at this table in no time", joked Brayden.

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