First Kiss (Maria's POV)

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Their first kiss was so special to her. It was after a party. She lent her one of her dresses and some of her jewelry. And she did her hair.

As she admired herself in the mirror for the first time - she did not have a mirror - she was speechless to see a beautiful young woman. 

Was this her? She could barely believe it. She felt truly beautiful for the first time in her life.

'You look like a princess,' she said.

It happened at the door of her house.

The house was dark; her parents were asleep.

Her touch… how she stroked her cheek that night…

And those whispered words by her: 'I'm in love with you, Maria…

She will never forget that. And then her lips on hers. And her tongue in her mouth. She nearly fainted. Her moans made her wet. She had never been kissed before and it was amazing. 

She even came inside for a moment. She handed her some money.

'Here. For a book.' She whispered softly.

'Oh god.' Tears welled up in her eyes.

'Maria, I want to be your girlfriend,' she whispered.

Maria looked at her. You wouldn’t say she's ten years older than her.

She insisted and they kissed again.

She laid down on her bed, did a happy dance and then lifted her skirt to touch herself. She climaxed really hard. She couldn’t get that one image out of her head.

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