18 · 十八

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• Snakes Bite, Beavers Nibble •

• Snakes Bite, Beavers Nibble •

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Somehow since the bloody wall incident had happened, bizarre things have been following after it. For instance, a Muggle-born student had been petrified, alike to Filch's cat. With these uncanny occurrences came the establishment of a dueling club hosted by the one and only Professor Lockhart.

A bloody scam led by a con artist, if you ask me.

At least our Head of the House was here to endure the suffering along with us. He looks more dejected at the fact that he has to be present here than any of us do.

Lockhart steps onto a runway platform and starts discussing rules. He then had the gall to challenge Snape to a duel as demonstration, to which I'm sure I saw the latter mutter something under his breath with an eye twitching.

The Slytherins burst out laughing when Lockhart gets blasted into the air and lands sprawled out on the platform like a corpse. He scrambles up and laughs it off, claiming he had done it for the purpose of the demonstration. Snape rolls his eyes at the absurd fool.

To save face, Lockhart moves on to choose student examples. He claps his hands together. "Now! Uh, ladies first! Hows that?" He suggests. He scans the crowd of Gryffindors. "Ah! Gryffindor star student, Hermione Granger!" He points to the girl whose hair takes up the space of two students. She gasps at being selected, scurrying up onto the runway table in excitement. Lockhart winks at her as she takes her place in the centre, to which she looks down and flushes bright red. Disgusting. Lockhart continues to scan the crowd. "And, uhhh, who else?"

"Slytherin star student," Snape drawls, then turns his head halfway around his shoulder, "Celestia Young."

My classic arrogant and prideful smirk makes it way across my face. My friends all give me a pat on my back and I step up onto the platform. From my peripheral vision, I see the slightest hint of a smirk on Snape's lips as well. I have never failed him in any of his expectations, and he knows very well that I never will.

"Oh! Hah! I knew you were Miss Young!" Lockhart exclaims, chuckling to cover his foolish mistake. "Pardon that previous misunderstanding, I though you said you were Chinese?"

"The Young Family are the eminent Chinese Clan of Singapore." I stop a few feet away from Granger. I cast Lockhart a half-lidded side-eye. "Educate yourself." He immediately shuts his mouth up and nods repeatedly.

"You're going down, you snake." She bares her teeth as we raise our wands up for the dueling stance. She even tries to stand a bit on her toes wanting to make herself seem taller when she really just looked stupid.

"Snakes bite, Granger. Beavers nibble," I only spread my condescending smirk wider. We turn and walk a couple of steps away from each other.

She spins around. "Expelli-"

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