(8) Attack

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✩。:*•. ────────── ☆ ──────────.•*:。✩

TRUE TO ROBB'S WORD, the fighting began at daybreak.

It was safe to say that Robert's troops were shocked to see their former allies, the unsullied, and the Dothraki already waiting for them. However, with their King leading their forces, they engaged into battle anyways and that was the way it had been all morn.

Much to Robb's relief, he never once saw Rhaenerys' face as he slashed through countless of her people, feeling guiltier and guiltier the more blood gathered on his sword.

He never saw her dragons either, as Rhaenerys, Daenerys, and Viscerys had taken them all and retreated to a nearby island.

It there that the princess, king and queen all waited until the battle was over. Viscerys was scowling at the praise he had heard Rhaenerys getting for alerting them of the attack. Daenerys was comforting Drogon, Viscerion and Rhaegal. And Rhaenerys spent the entire time staring into the water, praying to all Seven Gods that Robb would be okay by the time she got back.

She couldn't get his face or the way his lips felt against her skin out of her head. And for a few hours, she allowed herself to become love drunk on Robb Stark and wondered would it be like to marry him instead of whatever Lord her brother was planning.

She pictured his home, Winterfell, and saw herself ruling by his side as Queen in the North. She would somehow convince Vicerys to librate the North so she and Robb could have their own Kingdom. Their heir would rule Winterfell and his younger brother could have Dragonstone, Rhaenerys decided.

A permanent smile etched its way onto face as she imagined all of this.

And if only...

If only her uncle wasn't such a dick.

"Rhaenerys?" The brown haired girl stood at the sound of her Aunt's voice and smiled blissfully due to her thoughts.

"Yes?" The smile on her face fell and slithered back into the sea as she brushed it off.

Daenerys smiled a smile that only told Rhaenerys one thing. "The battle is over," She informed her niece, "The King's forces have been driven back. We've won!"

At this, Rhaenerys laughed gleefully with her aunt and rushed to the ship that was waiting to take them back. There, she met with a beaten down but not dead yet Ser Barris.

"Princess," He sighed in relief as she ran to him, unharmed.

"Ser Barris," R cried out and embraced the old man in a tight hug. And despite his cuts and bruised, he hugged her back; gratefully they had both lived to see another day.

"Come," Jorah Mormont, with a bloody lip and broken armor, held his hand out for Daenerys to get onto the boat. "Let's go back home, Khalissi."

"Let's," Daenerys agreed, and together she and Rhaenerys sat.

Viscerys was left to get onto the boat on his own.

That night, as soon as they all landed, Daenerys had the idea to throw a great feast for all of the warriors that fought on their behalf. She gave a great speech where all the tired, broken down men cheered at her words of inspiration and praised their Queen for the good food and most of all, ale.

Rhaenerys sat at the high table with a smile on her face and did her best to mask her anxiety all night long. She was grateful for the victory, yes, and most of all grateful for winning without using her dragons as pawns.

But on the other hand, she was also worried.

Rhaenerys worried for the half-Tully, half-Stark boy she had began to care about.

She worried and worried even more as she heard her soldiers tell stories of how they ravaged Robert's army.

She kept her ears open for any mention of the 'Young Wolf,' 'Stark,' or even 'Robb.' But of all the tales that were told that night, Robb wasn't included.

And deciding that was a good thing, Rhaenerys went to bed that night with a little more hope than she had to begin with.

And it only increased when a black raven came to her window at midnight, carrying a scroll sealed with the Direwolf symbol.

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