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Blonde ass - Aurora
1:32 am


Blonde ass🍑

This Draco?

Blonde ass🍑
Yes Aurora
This is Draco

that's funny

Blonde ass🍑
What's going on love?

you always call me love
It's makes me heart warm

Blonde ass🍑
I can't decide if your grammar sucks
Or if you're drunk
Aurora is everything ok?

Me fine?
you do make me warm

Blonde ass🍑
Hey rora
Have you had something to drink?

you need drink to live
I could want water

Blonde ass🍑
Where are you?
Fucking hell aurora

Sry I fell
I think
I'm on the floor

Blonde ass🍑
Be more specific
What floor?

Hard floor

Blonde ass🍑
Aurora are you in a corridor?

Idk it's spinning
I see doors

Blonde ass🍑
Do you recognise that door?

we kissed there once I think

Blonde ass🍑
that doesn't help rora
Please tell me where you are

I'm walking
Why do I have a long pencil

Blonde ass🍑
It's ur wand aurora
Put it down
I'm omw

What's a wand

Blonde ass🍑
Stay where you are

But i do not know where me are

"Aurora?" I see her sitting against a wall with her eyes closed.

"Hey, come on. Let's get you to bed." I lift her up, and she mumbles something I can't really understand.

"Who were you with?" She looks at me as I begin to walk towards the common room.

"Some older people. I wanted friends... but they gave me something bad, dray." She mumbles the words, and I can't help but feel protective of the girl in my arms.

"It's okay now. I'm here. I'm taking you to our dorm."

"Theo will kill me," she sobs, and I shake my head.

"No, love, it's okay. I just need to know you're okay for the night." She nods into my chest, and I smile for myself, looking down at her. She's gorgeous and absolutely amazing. Who can blame me for feeling this way about her?

"Draco? Is that you?" Theo asks as I open the door into our dorm with aurora in my arms.

"Who is that? Aurora?" He rushes up from his bed, and aurora hides her face.

"Hey princess, are you okay?" I shake my head at him. She needs sleep. Not us acting protective.

"How did you know where she was?" He asks me, and I look down at the girl in my bed.

"She texted me. Some older guys must have given her something." He looks worriedly at his sister.

"Why would she do that alone? She's never alone, at least not without Mattheo." I shrug, still looking at the girl in bed. She looks peaceful and tired, and I hope she'll get to sleep this night. She needs it.

"Aurora has nightmares about us." He stares at me, confused, "about us? What do you mean about us?" He looks over at the girl to confirm that she's asleep before he nods at me.

"She told me how she has these nightmares about losing us. She saw you fall from a tower the first time she had one. I think it has to do with your mom." Theo looks sadly at his sister, and I look down.

"She sees me die every single night?" I nod.

"All of us. She's scared to sleep, Theo. What about when we grow up, and she's alone every night?" He stares at me.

"She won't be alone. We both know that." I shake my head.

"We don't know anything. She needs help, Theo." He sighs.

"I know. She's never seen her grave. Is it a good idea?" I shrug. It's worth a try.

"We'll never know if we don't try." He nods.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow. We all need sleep now."

"Thank you for taking care of her. I know you love her." He nods at his sister, who is sleeping peacefully in bed, and I smile.

"Goodnight." Before going back to sleep, he nods, and I lie beside Aurora. I have to tell her how I feel or move on. It's the only option I have.

When I drunk texted my best friend, he told me to go to sleep and stopped answering me💅🏼🫶 love him

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