He is a child!

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That hurt like hell, but I hope it was worth it. Now that I think about it, I could've just stolen their supplies when they were asleep. Yeah. I could've done that.

God, why am I such an dumbass! There was a clear way out of this. Yet I chose to torture myself. This is why my parents disowned me.

The first thing I felt waking up was drowsiness. I immediately wanted to go back to sleep. For good. Why did I do this.

Sharp pain spiked from my arms, making me hiss. They didn't do the best job at healing me either. You would think you have some sort of value when your being held for ransom, but I guess not.

I slowly opened my eyes, and unlike in most cliche waking up scenarios, there was no light whatsoever. Am I in a basement or something?

Turns out it's not the shadow realm I was in, it was just night time outside. I slowly turned my head to see a light in the kitchen or whatever that room was. Now is a good chance to escape. However, I still have to complete my mission. Sadly.

"I see you're awake"

I dramatically turned my head back around to see Dream, with a less than pleased face. If I moved any part of my body, it would cause a shockwave of pain, so I held still.

"Heyyyy, how's it going?" I very awkwardly replied. He shot a glare at me through the mask. I didn't see it, but I felt the atmosphere change swiftly.

"Hows it going? I found you on the floor of your room surrounded and covered by blood. Blood was on everything!" He scolded me. All I really did was annoy them. Better then nothing.

"That was not worth it" I admitted, clearing my throat. I could tell he was pulling himself back from killing me right then and there.

"I don't know what you're trying to pull here, but I'll know soon enough" he sighed and got up, leaving the room completely. I wonder if he sleeps with his mask on. It would be really uncomfortable to sleep with a mask. Especially if you're someone that likes to move and shuffle alot in your sleep. I'm not even sure if he does sleep. He could have insomnia for all I know.

'What'd she say?'

'Her exact words were 'that was not worth it'

'What? What could that entail?'

I heard the whole Dream Team discussing. As much as I wanted to yell at them for misgendering me, I kept my mouth shut as I thought they might say something related to L'manburg. Also, my nerves were kicking in and now I could feel my left arm. Not the hand though.

As I was struggling to move my fingers, the whole gang walked in and surrounded me in all sides. I would be lying if I said it wasn't intimidating.

"I feel like demons are here to drag me back to hell" I glanced at all of them. Their expressions didn't change however. This must be pretty serious.

"Safe to say, we are not allowing you to go to your room again" firefox started off. I cringed at what he was suggesting. That dungeon is probably looking like real nice place to put me in right about now.

"Or anywhere near glass" google said in his usual british accent. It's looking likely that I'm gonna be spending my time down in the basement. They aren't that stupid to leave me alone in that cell right? I could very well make myself pass out there if I'm bored.

"And I've figured that if we were to lock you up in the cells down below, you'll bash your head into the bars for no reason whatsoever" I swear this green bastard is reading my goddamn mind. He's got god on his side if his guesses are this accurate. And that's gonna be a pain to me.

"So we want to present to you an option" he continued, catching my attention. I didn't know I had the freedom to make decisions here.

"You could join us" he smirked.

This is one of those really climactic moments where you question if the hero is a good person or not. Will I betray my people, my friends, for an opportunity to side with the people who hurt us?


Is what I would say if I wasn't kidnapped.

I have come to know that these people are asshats on steroids. Dream, in particular. I bet he somehow talked Eret into his betrayal. And sacrificing others to save my own is shameful, even for someone like me.

"Bold of you to think I would agree" I let out a low chuckle. Dream's smirk widened.

"I thought you would disagree. And so we brought him" he pointed to behind firefox. I turned my head back around. God, why do they have to make me turn so many times-



I wish I had just died before they found me on the floor. What I saw, struck me silent for a minute.

Tommy with a gag or something around his mouth, face covered with blood and his uniform wrinkled and dirtied. Sapnap dragged and tossed him around like a ragdoll, sadistic smile resting on his face.

For the first time in a long time, my blood ran cold and fists clenched. What the fuck. What. The. Fuck

"Looky what I found snooping around our backyard" he held him up. Tommy was barely awake, his consciousness slowly leaking out of his eyes.

"Let him go" I said in the most serious and dark tone I had. How could they do this to a child? Why, would they do this to a fucking child!?

"Just like that? How would that benefit us?" Dream must've thought he had the high ground here, from his teasing tone. With the adrenaline rushing through my body, I lunged at Sapnap, trying to get Tommy out of his grasp, only for Dream to pin me to the ground.

"Ready to negotiate?"

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