old lady pheromones

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^^^^Ryan, Craig Jackson, Mary Jackson

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Ryan, Craig Jackson, Mary Jackson


Oh, Mondays. Just another week of being basically invisible to all my peers. Oh, the joy!

I sigh out as I kick a rock outside the front doors of the school. I always get here as early as possible because my apartment's heaters rarely work.

I hear footsteps approaching and I turn to see Evan unlocking the front doors, "Took you long enough." I grumble, going in behind her.

"You know, one of these days I'm not gonna show up early on purpose and we'll see how much you like that." She snaps and walks to the lunchroom.

I follow behind her and snicker, "No you won't."

She turns around abruptly, "Try me." She glares.

I put my hands up in surrender, "Jeez, who pissed in your cereal this morning." I mumble, as we walk into the lunch room.

"Life. Life did. Did you know med school is over 120,000$?" She says.

"No... but I did know that the majority of your brain is fat." I grin, "So all the times when you tell me you look fat, are actually..." I stop as she stares at me in warning, "Right- not helping, sorry." I mutter and sit on the counter.

"You know that's where people eat." She grumbles putting grapes into a container.

"Do you get paid enough to care?" I hum, popping a grape in my mouth.

She stops and thinks to herself, "Good point." She says then continues pouring grapes in.

"What song am I playing today?" I ask hopping off the counter.

"Hmmm, how about you pick?" She calls, wiping down the counters.

I think for a moment then decide on "Where Is My Mind" by Maxence Cyrin. As I'm playing I get lost in the music and before I know it, I finish the song.

"I don't understand why you don't go to a music school, you are so talented." Evan breathes with her head on her palms.

I smile and pick up my bag, "Ah because music schools cost money. Money that I do not have."

"I felt that on a mental, physical, and emotional level." She sighs.

"See ya at lunch." I wave over my shoulder.

"Bye dumbass." She calls.

I walk out of the lunchroom and I'm immediately met with a shit ton of kids trying to get to class.
I put my head down and weave my way through the designer handbags and real leather loafers and make my way to my first hour.

Honestly, probably everyone knows I'm a scholarship student with my beat up bag, worn out converse, and lack of anything designer.

Hell, I can't even remember the last time I haven't bought used clothes. It's not that bad really, like this one time I found an almost brand new pair of jeans, it was freezing at the time so it was a good score, and I literally had just enough money to buy it. The old lady working there said she had a jacket in the back that I would love to go with it.

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