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Danica let out a loaded sigh as we walked back into her home. She flung down her purse and then threw herself onto the sofa. "Sorry I ruined your morning."

"You didn't ruin anything, kiddo," I assured. "You were scared."

"I was stupid. The doctor said everything is fine."

"Do you have any idea how many times your mom and I rushed to the hospital for no reason when she was pregnant with you?" I asked with a grin. "Your body is going through some crazy shit, Dani. It's okay."

"So what did I interrupt? You and Odin's tenth walk of the day?" she asked with a teasing grin as she slipped off her shoes.

I scratched the back of my head nervously. "Um, no. I was about to have breakfast with..."

"Oh my god!" Danica exclaimed. "You were on a date!"

"It's okay, honey. She understood."

"I'm such a jerk," Danica groaned as she laid back, covering her eyes with her arm. "Where'd you guys go? The new brunch spot on tenth?"

"Uhhhh... no..."

Danica sat up again and looked at me with wide, excited eyes. "Did you cook for her?"

"Maybe?" I answered sheepishly, feeling the blush rising into my cheeks.

"Oh my god, Dad!" Danica cooed with wide eyes. "You really like this girl."


"No! Now I feel even worse! I could've handled this by myself. I shouldn't have bothered you."

"Stop it," I said sternly. "You didn't bother anyone, baby. You and Dean come first no matter what."

Danica rolled her eyes as if my affectionate words annoyed her.


Suddenly, she took a gasp of a breath and her eyes turned wide. "Oh god. Please tell me you weren't like... fucking or something cuz then I'd feel even worse."

"No! Jesus, Dani," I groaned. Why this kid was so focused on my sex life, I had no idea. "We we're literally just having breakfast. I made pancakes. Like... actual breakfast."

"You haven't slept with her yet, have you?"

"It's been like four fuckin days!" I exclaimed with a weird sounding laugh. Jesus. Uncomfortable didn't even begin to describe how I was feeling right now.

"What's holding you back?"

"Nothing," I insisted firmly. "Nothing is holding me back. I'm just... taking my time."

"No. You're scared of something. I can tell. You're being all cagey."


"Are you scared you won't be able to... perform? I mean, I know the accident..."

I let out a growly groan and closed my eyes. "I am not scared. Why does everyone keep thinking I'm scared? And why are you worried about my performance?"

"Who else said you're scared?" Apparently my silence was as much of an answer as my daughter needed. "Ooooh. She's trying and you turned her down."

"I didn't... I didn't turn her down. I just... changed the subject."


I made a vague sound of discomfort and buried my face in my hands. "Because I'm already in too fucking deep and if I cross that line, there won't be any going back, okay? I'm trying to pace myself so I'm not madly in love with the girl by the end of the first fucking week."

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