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Fine silk sheets enveloped me in a smooth, warm cocoon. Dissipating my motivation to work for the next few days. The sudden swish of the heavy drapes parting struck me with dread, and I flinched; blinded by the sun's rays. 

An unfamiliar voice pierced through my mind fog, "Good morning, Your Majesty." Greeted an annoyingly chipper maid. When did she come in? What gives her the right to open the curtains without my permission? Throwing the blankets to the ground, I padded over to the steaming porcelain tub. The scent of lemon permeated the air, improving my mood and clearing my mind. My index finger drew circles on the water's surface. I wonder if he's already dead.

"I'll leave your garments here, Your Majesty." With shaky hands; The not-so-bad-looking woman placed the folded clothes on the table and turned, giving me a full view of her nice behind.

"You are new here, right?"

The woman froze, and without turning around, she responded, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Well, I can certainly see that. Since one of the first rules of proper decorum is to look at the person who's speaking to you. Which, due to your inexperience, I presume, seemed to have forgotten." Turning slowly on her heels, her average brown gaze leveled to mine. "That is much better. You have such pretty eyes." The contact was quickly broken by my rising from the tub. "Oh, that chandelier was given to me by the prince of the dessert kingdom, pretty, right?"

With eyes focused on the chandelier above her, she stuttered, "Y-Yes, Your Majesty."Her chest expanded with the intake of a shaky breath. 

"I would like to make something clear. You do not open the curtains without my verbal authorization. Do I make myself clear?"

"B-but, Your Majesty. The head palace maid explicitly told me it was of the utmost importance that you woke up early today. You need to be on time for your meeting with the foreign dignitaries."

The woman pulled back slightly when I reached over to brush a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Who is the king of this kingdom, dear? The head maid?"

She swallowed convulsively. "No, It's King Uriel the second, your majesty."

Placing my hands on her shoulders. I turned her around and tightened the bow that tied the apron around her waist. "And who makes the rules?"

Her voice shook. "King Uriel the second, Your Majesty."

A sharp smile broke across my face, and I leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Exactly, and I am sorry, dear. I know you are just nervous. My intention was not to upset you. I just wanted to prevent any more mishaps on your part. That head maid likes to overstep her boundaries a little. And what is worse she commands others to please her every whim, even if it causes them trouble. She does this, especially to the new maids. Think about it. Why would she send someone who clearly still has a lot to learn about the ways of the palace to serve the king himself?" Her shoulders lowered, and her head sunk. "But, do not worry, I understand. I will not complain or anything. I would not want to get rid of such a pretty maid. Especially when I am sure you will make a great palace servant one day. Heck, maybe in the future, the head maid of this palace." Letting go of her, I commanded, "Now that we have that cleared up, you may leave." With a heartfelt thank you, the woman turned to curtsy and scampered out of the room.

I can't believe the audacity of these people. Why are they so disrespectful? I wouldn't have to scold them so much if they kept on their lanes. With a scoff, I pulled on my pants. They're all the same.

"Your Majesty, we can't put the citizens at risk just so we can gain a couple of inches of land." High Priest Gustav argued at the royal council meeting several years ago.

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