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THE FOLLOWING MORNING, before my shift at work, I went to the beach again. I couldn't sleep at all that night, instead, I lay awake thinking of everything that had happened. I thought about what Noah had told me about Dr. Grant and his experiments and I thought of the dark figure that spoke to me last night.

I touched my necklace that now had returned to its spot on my neck and closed my eyes against the morning sun. There was no denying what had happened. The shadow must have had my necklace the whole time, and somehow managed to return it unseen. And, if the shadow had my necklace and knew that it belonged to me, then it confirmed my earlier suspicions of being watched. At the thought, a chill ran down my spine. Though whether or not it was from excitement or fear I didn't know.

As I approached the water, I looked around the waves, searching. The sun was just rising and the beach was gently lit with the morning rays. It looked different than it did last night. It seemed more lively, more like the beaches I remembered back in Oahu. Beaches with golden sand and sparkling blue and green water. Not the cold endless pool of night that I had waded into last night, fitting of the mysterious figure that it hid beneath its surface.

After a few minutes of fruitless searching, I took a seat in the sand just at the edge of the water. I was in my work clothes, black slacks and a white satin blouse, so I had to be careful not to get wet.

Minutes passed and I continued to stare out into the ocean as the sun continued to rise, warning me that I would soon have to leave and head to the compound or risk being late. A wave of disappointment washed over me when I realized that the shadow would not be making an appearance this morning.

I was too scared to push for answers last night, instead I let the shadowed figure feed me it's vague answers and suspicious warnings. But after a sleepless night of thinking, my head was full of unanswered questions that I would not leave unasked the next time it showed itself.

Whenever that will be...

With a sigh, I stood back up and made my way up the beach and back to my car.

I'll try again tonight, before I head home. I thought as I got into my car and drove off, towards the compound.

Once I arrived, I was surprised to see that the place was in uproar. Groups of lab-coat clad researchers rushed across the floor and down the hallways in a haste I had never seen before. Everyone's eyes were wide with panic as orders were shouted across the room as people scrambled to comply.

Confused, I made my way towards Flip's office which was thankfully occupied.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Flip hastily called from inside. I opened the door and stepped in. My eyes widened as I took in his office. What was usually a cramped space of scattered papers and boxes was now neatly organized and pristine.

Flip barely looked at me as I walked in, instead he busied himself with organizing various things around the room.

"Um Flip, what's going on around here? Why is everyone so panicked?" I asked carefully, watching Flip scramble around and frantically clean.

Flip didn't stop his ministrations. "We have an unexpected visitor coming tomorrow and everything has to look perfect for his arrival."

"His?" I repeated.

Flip paused and looked at me. His usually bright and enthusiastic eyes were filled with dark circles blooming beneath them. "Dr. Grant is coming for a visit." Flip answered gravely.

I sucked in a breath. "Dr. Richard Grant is coming here!" My voice rose with panic, "Why?!"

Flip sighed, "We'll he comes occasionally to check up on things, to make sure we are making uh...progress. And he always comes with little warning, so we have to spend all of today preparing for his arrival."

"Well then it shouldn't be that bad right? If it's just a progress check." I said, watching Flip as he swallowed.

Flip pushed up his glasses and wrung his hands together nervously, "It will be bad Lani, we...I lost something very important to Dr. Grant." Flip said slowly, looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked feigning ignorance.

"Dr. Grant made a request a long time ago...for us to create a new hybrid species and monitor it. But, its gone...we don't know what happened to it but it's gone and now Dr. Grant is going to find out...and he won't be happy." Flip finished, shuddering.

"The empty tank..." I said slowly, not revealing that I knew what he was talking about. Noah said that it would be best if I didn't let anyone know what he told me last night over ramen, not even Flip.

Flip nodded, "Yes, we've been looking everywhere for it. But it's impossible."

I frowned. "Why do you say that?"

Flip scratched his head as if debating on saying more, "Well...let's just say that if the species doesn't want to be found, then it won't be."

I thought back to what Noah said about this species of creature supposedly being able to walk out of the tank, and break the lock to escape. Now, hearing Flip say that the creature could chose not be found, I realized that there was no question that whatever thing Dr. Grant requested was not just some fish like the ones I saw in the tanks. This was something else entirely, something sentient, something almost human...

Suddenly, I remembered what Noah said about Dr. Grant's desire for human experimentation... and the wet footprints leading out of the compound. The not quite human footprints...the rumors of human experimentation...

My mind was beginning to make connections that were so awful I pressed my hands against my eyes to try and rid myself of the images.

It couldn't be...

But it was...

Dr. Grant created a humanoid creature, some aquatic hybrid that ended up being far more intelligent than anyone here could have imagined. Intelligent enough to break out of the underground compound and escape.

A creature that could chose to move unseen...

I remembered the night before, and how the figure moved gracefully in the dark water. Seemingly appearing out of nowhere, and vanishing beneath the waves like a distant memory.

A figure that could potentially exist in the freezing water of Monterey California, and save a young girl from drowning. A shadow smart enough to speak, and thoughtful enough to return her mother's necklace.

A shadow that, though it had the shape of a man, was sickly pale with iridescent blue eyes that burned into my very core.

A creature of man. Of one man, to be specific. One man that would be visiting very soon.

My head spun with the realization, and I could barely hear Flip call out to me as I turned and ran out of the room.

Species Unknown [Book 2: Pisces)Where stories live. Discover now