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this is way shorter than I thought it was??? I swear this was like 4 pages long.

anyways I'm exhausted and I started school again so updates will be kinda delayed. although we are close to the end so doesn't matter too much! don't worry I'll keep writing more stories :)


When I woke again, light seeping through the crack in my eyelids, there was a pounding on the door.

Everyone shifted, backs sliding up the wall.

I rubbed the exhaustion from my eyes and used my sore arms to push myself up. Everyone was quiet.

There were groans and gurgles and faint banging from outside. Clearly the demise from before were still there. I was worried the pounding was still the demise, but there was shouting from regular people amongst the chaos.

Not one person in our group made a move towards the door.

"Do you think it's Isaac?" Vivi asked in a breathy whisper.

"It's possible." Mars said.

Suddenly the shouts and groans stopped all at once. Silence creating a ringing in my ears. I tensed up and held my breath.

The heavy metal door swung open, light flooding the dark room, an orange glow of the now approaching nighttime.

When Isaac's face stared into the room I let myself breathe out and slump against the wall. My body ached and I was still so tired. I let my guard down, fully putting myself in Isaac's hands.

I closed my eyes, not bothering to listen to the others shout in glee at being saved.
I heard them leave one by one, voices growing fainter as they went outside. I forced my eyes open, watching Isaac eye me and then step back.

Instead Elias approached through the doorway.

My head snapped up, but my body couldn't move. I remained slumped against the wall, staring at my beautiful boyfriend as a whole flood of emotions filled me at once.

As he stepped closer, I started to cry.

Crying of relief, joy, and fear. It all built up inside of me and spilled out as soon as Elias stepped inside.

He walked over, his usually blank face full showing his own relief. He sat down in front of me, taking my hands that were clenching my shirt tightly.

"It's okay baby, I'm here." He breathed. His deep voice soft and breathy.

I gripped his arms, his shirt, his leg, tears rolling down my dirty face and stinging my eyes. I used my tiny bit of strength and crawled onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my cheek against his.

His hands went up and down my back and I melted into him. I don't think I could ever move.

I didn't squeeze him, I let myself be held and refused to move ever again. I felt shaky and I was so, so tired.

I stayed in Elias' arms for a long time.

Isaac, who had clearly been giving us space, came back in to get us to the car. Elias scooped me up, my limbs flung around like a rag doll.

I didn't take my face out of his chest until he sat me down in the car. He climbed in beside me and pulled me close once more, his arm around me and his fingers intertwined with mine.

There were only two other people who came, guards of some sort.

Oscar, Mars, Vivi, and Aria all slumped into their seats, going to sleep instantly.

"Are Erin and Alex okay?" I asked after a few moments. Elias' lips quirked upwards into a tiny smile. He sighed contently.

"They're fine, just worried about you. I'm happy you're okay." He whispered.

We sat in the very back of the car, whispering in our own private bubble. I smiled weakly. "I'm okay." I breathed out.

Another minute passed and soon I'd let myself fall asleep once more.

When I woke up once more I felt a little better. I still felt extremely tired physically, but my eyes no longer weighed down.

I shifted against Elias to soothe my aching shoulder from being in the same position for too long. I kept my hand in his but leaned away, eyes adjusting.

It was pitch black outside, only light shining from the car lights and faint lights in the distance.

I squinted my eyes.

"Another hour and we'll be there. You slept a while." Elias said quietly, noticing my gaze. I felt a giddy feeling pierce my body.

I couldn't wait to see the new city, and my friends, and my boys.

I almost teared up again if it weren't for having no more tears left. I squished my face against Elias' shoulder.

"Is it nice?" I asked him.

"It is. It's different, but it's very nice." He said simply. "I got the immunity serum." Elias tacked on. I looked up at him.

"That's good right?" I questioned. He nodded but something seemed to be bugging him. "What is it?" I frowned.

"You'll need it too, when we get there." He said.

I shrugged confused. "Yeah I figured."

"It's a shot." He breathed. My body tensed, flashbacks of the lab infiltrating my mind violently. I hated shots.

"I don't like that." I told him, as if it wasn't obvious. He frowned.

"I know. But it really is needed, to keep you safe." Elias said. I shook my head.

"No, no I don't like shots." My voice quivered just barely. Elias pulled me against his side, warming me immediately.

"I'll be there with you, okay? I promise I won't leave your side. Erin and Alex will be there too." He said softly.

That made me feel a little better. As long as they were there the entire time.

"Okay." I whispered.

"Okay?" Elias repeated.

"Okay." I said again. Elias hummed and we both remained silent after that.

The city lights grew brighter and I felt myself truly smile for the first time in a while.

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