chapter 8

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kehlani marie

I was in the living room watching tv til my mama came in starting shit with me like always, I'm starting to think she wanna be with me or sum

" did you see kentrell " she asked muggin me
" naw why " I ask putting hand full of popcorn in my mouth

she just stood there I knew she was finna start something

" I was just asking "
" oh okay " I said not really not caring
" you need to start covering up "
" nothing is wrong with what I got on "

I literally wearing a tank top and a pair of kentrell nba boxer that I stole from him

" just start covering up or be in your room " she said putting her hands on her hips
" I am cover up " I sat up mugging her

like what the fuck do she want me to wear some jogger and a long sleeve the fuck

"li girl I said cover up stop giving sass talk "

before I could response kentrell bussed in the house making lay back down with my knees towards my chest

" damn somebody spills some water or sum " he said making my mama turn her attention to him

He had ben and kd with him like always don't niggas them ever go home like damn

" what you watching sis " kd said digging his hands in my popcorn
" oh the up Shawn's " I said as I watch kentrell move around the house

kd was talking to me but I was ignoring him since my attention was all on kentrell

" lani remember what I said " my mama said making me rolled my eyes as she walk out the house

why do I need to cover up since kentrell around like that ain't gonna stop nun

" why your mama always on your back " ben said making shrugged my shoulders

kentrell had call ben and kd to the back room make kd do a loud sign making me laugh

I continue watch my show I ain't finna change my clothes cause she mad like that ain't finna stop me and kentrell

" ight man " ben said leaving out the door with kd following behind him

kentrell came out room going to the kitchen he just walk pass me like it was nothing but I ain't trip I just continue watching my show

" you gonna choke shoving all that popcorn in your mouth "  he said getting one of my ice cream
" no I ain't " I said rolling my eyes

I move the cover off my body getting up so I could turn the ac down since I was hot

"nobody told your ass to steal my draws "
" i did plus they real comfrey " I said laying back down with my knees to my chest again

he made his way over towards me blocking my tv way making me slap his leg

" move kentrell I can't see " I said getting irritated
" didn't your mama tell you change your clothes" he said sitting between my legs

I felt my Virginia getting wet ugh I love him so much

" didn't I tell you to move " I said sitting up but he push me back down
" what I say about that mouth " he said in my ear laying between my legs
" move kent- aw fuck "  I moan feeling him push his tip in me

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